Monash playspace upgrades 2025-26
We're upgrading local playspaces.
Share your ideas and feedback on these projects
Projects still in progress but not currently asking for feedback
We're upgrading local playspaces.
Seeking your input on how you would like to see your playspace improved or upgraded
Implementation of the Huntingdale Precinct Plan 2023
Building and upgrading kindergarten facilities - ensuring Monash children get the best start in life
We're redeveloping this pavilion.
Safer cycling connection from Scotchmans Creek Trail to Djerring Trail
Share your thoughts on the refreshed Active Monash Sports Club Framework.
We're upgrading this playspace.
Find out about the plans for the Suburban Rail Loop in Monash, the stations at Glen Waverley, Clayton and Monash University and Council’s position on what is proposed.
We are constructing the missing section of the Waverley Rail Trail, between Jordanville and Mount Waverley stations.
We are implementing the masterplan for Mount Waverley Reserve.
Have your say on proposed enhancements to the dog-off leash area at Mount Waverley Linear Reserve.
We are reviewing our Plaques and Memorials Policy and want to hear from you.
A proposed new Glen Waverley Civic Precinct
With local government elections in October 2024, Council is seeking community feedback on a proposed Election Period Policy.
Improving pedestrian safety and upgrading the appearance of this busy local activity centre at the intersection of Springvale and Dandenong Roads
Share your vision for Monash and contribute to the development of our key plans for 2024 and beyond.
We want to have conversation with the Monash community about how we manage the future of waste to create a truly circular economy.
Have your say on a draft concept plan for an exciting new active recreation space at Mount Waverley Reserve.
Amendment C167 implements the planning recommendations of the Mount Waverley Activity Centre Structure Plan into the Monash Planning Scheme.
These projects are closed but here for your reference
We are reviewing our Leasing and Licencing Policy and want to hear your feedback to ensure it continues to reflect community expectations.
Recreation Services is seeking your club's feedback on the proposed Sports Floodlighting policy.
This is a partnership between Monash Council and researchers at University of Melbourne to help communities through issues relating to environmental disasters.
Your feedback will guide Council on the best ways to improve playspaces in Monash.
Public land zoning corrections
Share your feedback and help shape the Monash Community Safety & Amenity Local Law.
Have your say on the amended Footpath Trading and Access Policy 2024.
Council regularly upgrades local playspaces to make them more interesting and fun for local children.
We're inviting the community to help us choose the concept design for a vibrant new mural on the hit-up wall at Carlson Reserve, Clayton.
What do you think about having a second pitch? Please have your say.
We’re developing a Monash Cricket Participation Plan aimed at strategically addressing participation challenges for the sport.
We are going to revitalise and expand the public open space at Carlson Reserve, Clayton to enhance family social recreation opportunities.
Public open space contribution update
A new public tennis facility in Monash
Monash City Council is undertaking future planning for Oakleigh Golf Course
Monash commissioned a First Nations themed mural on a large wall in Oakleigh, on the lands of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung People.
Get involved in designing the mural on the railway overpass on Winbirra Parade in Ashwood.
Your opportunity to help ensure the masterplan responds to community needs and creates new opportunities for physical activity and social connection.
Have your say on the proposal to change the premier A-grade turf pitch to be 'dog-free'.
We need the support of residents to apply for Black Spot Funding to install road humps along the approach to the bend.
Consultation on the draft Monash Affordable Housing Strategy
Seeking feedback from our community panel on a potential Seniors Exercise Park
Each year we reach out to our business community to better understand your needs. This year we are offering a prize to three lucky participants.
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, temporary outdoor dining was set up in activity centres. Now, Council wants you to have your say on potential options.
Our committees of people with lived experience play a vital role in providing Council with community insights. Nominations are now open.
Civic Centre
293 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley
Oakleigh Service Centre
3 Atherton Road, Oakleigh
(03) 9518 3555
After Hours Service
(03) 9518 3555
Interpreter Service
Council provides a free interpreting service for non-English speaking customers over the phone or in person at any Customer Service Centre. Click for more information.