Consultation with our community is central to what we do at Monash. This can include asking locals what they want to see in an upgraded playground, working with residents to make sure Council projects are complementary to their neighbourhood, and asking people about the future use of our open space sites.

As an important part of Council’s planning, and from May to July this year we invited our community to provided feedback to help us build on our existing Community Vision, set our priorities for the next four years and influence key Council strategies and plans.

These plans will impact all residents in Monash as they guide the day-to-day operations of Council and shape our longer-term decisions. This includes the types of services we provide to the community, where and what capital works we undertake, which facilities we prioritise our investment in, and how we can best support the health and wellbeing of the community and environment.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to provide feedback online or at one of our listening posts. This feedback will be provided to our community panel who will take part in meetings from August to September.

For a translated version of this information or survey, choose your language from the menu at the top of the screen or call 131 450.

For more information, click the links below.

Ways you can have your say

Strategies, plans and documents your feedback will influence

  • 2025-2034 Community Vision
  • 2025-2029 Council Plan
  • 2025-2029 Health and Wellbeing Plan
  • 2025-2034 Financial Plan, including Revenue and Rating Plan
  • 2025-2034 Asset Management Plan
  • 2025-26 Annual Budget.

Draw your vision

Monash residents were invited to submit a drawing of their vision for Monash's future. Submissions closed 14 July 2024.

Download our worksheet below:

Shape Your Monash drawing sheet - Word version

Shape Your Monash drawing sheet - PDF version