We're in the process of updating the Footpath Trading and Access Policy and invited our traders and the Monash community to share your feedback.

The existing policy, known as the Revised Footpath Trading and Access Policy 2021, is due to be updated and will be renamed as the Footpath Trading and Access Policy 2024.

The aim of the Footpath Trading and Access Policy is to ensure that footpaths can be effectively utilised for trading, display of advertising signage, or goods. This provides a wonderful opportunity for retailers to advertise and offer alfresco dining opportunities. However, the policy also aims to regulate the use of footpaths to ensure pedestrian safety and equitable use for all.

This policy aims to ensure that footpath trading within the City of Monash does not obstruct pedestrian access or create an unsafe or unsightly environment.

The revised policy aligns closely with the current policy. Previously, the policy had separate sections for Eaton Mall (Oakleigh) and the rest of the municipality. These have now been merged into one in the updated policy. Throughout the document, the overall formatting of the policy has been improved for ease of understanding.

In addition, this draft policy integrates the Parklets on Road Policy 2023. Both the Footpath Trading and Access Policy and the Parklets on Road Policy have undergone individual public consultation, however, given both policies relate to and deal with trading activities on Council land, they have been consolidated into a single policy document, with the former and latter serving as parts one and two, respectively.

Feedback closed Sunday 9 June 2024.

Read the draft Footpath Trading and Access Policy

How to provide feedback