Victorian local councils including Monash have, over many decades, made significant investments in infrastructure to support learning and development opportunities for local children. In Monash, this includes the provision of over 40 buildings which house sessional kindergartens, maternal and child health centres, occasional care services, play groups, toy libraries and long day childcare facilities.

In recent years, the Victorian Government announced its Best Start Best Life reforms which include.

  • The introduction of universal access to 15 hours of Three-Year-Old Kindergarten
  • Four-Year-Old Kindergarten transitioning to Pre-Prep (and increasing to a universal 30-hour a week program of play-based learning), and
  • Making three- and four-year-old kindergarten free across Victoria by 2032

This plan to substantially increase kindergarten provision drives the need to create new kindergarten places for Monash children.

In October 2022 Monash City Council entered a partnership with the Victorian government. The partnership commits both parties to working together to plan and deliver infrastructure to support the roll out of the Victorian Kindergarten reform.

In planning

These projects are undergoing stakeholder consultation and design at present.

Being constructed

Completed projects

Interesting facts

Research shows that: