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We have completed a design for the missing section of the Waverley Rail Trail, between Jordanville and Mount Waverley stations.

The features include:

  • A 3.0 metre wide shared path for walkers and bike riders on the railway (north) side of Windsor Avenue
  • Minimised tree removal, by locating the path between trees and the railway line
  • Lighting every 30 to 40 metres
  • Fencing along the railway line
  • Additional safety measures at driveways and road crossings.

Project Update - Consultation

We consulted with the community in February and March 2025 and received 87 responses. Thank you to everyone who provided us with feedback.

There was strong support for the project with more than 83 percent of respondents indicating they would be likely to walk or ride more by having the new shared path.

The key themes of feedback, Council's response and more information can be found within Feedback Summary Report.

Read the Feedback Summary Report

Next steps

Construction of the shared path is expected to begin in mid-2025, subject to funding and approvals. Further project updates will be provided to the community.


Council has received funding from the Victorian Government to build a shared path, connecting Jordanville and Mount Waverley stations.

The shared path will be located along the railway line (north) side of Windsor Avenue on Council’s nature strip and railway land managed by Metro Trains Melbourne.

Proposed design

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293 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley

Oakleigh Service Centre
3 Atherton Road, Oakleigh

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