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About the SRL

Suburban Rail Loop will deliver a 90km rail line linking every major train service from the Frankston Line to the Werribee Line via Melbourne Airport, better connecting Victorians to jobs, retail, education, health services and each other. For Monash this means new stations in Clayton, Glen Waverley and Monash University. Making it easier for people to travel to and from this fantastic part of Melbourne.

The SRL is an important transport project for Melbourne that has the full support of Council as it is a potential game changer for how people travel to, from and around Monash. The Victorian Government is also looking to create greater density of housing and has powers as a planning authority to amend planning controls around the future stations to do this.

Learn about the Victorian Government's project on the SRL website, or keep reading below for information about Council's advocacy efforts.

Construction of SRL to progress

The Victorian Government is progressing works on the Suburban Rail Loop (SRL), with works on SRL stations at Clayton, Glen Waverley and Monash ramping up in 2024.

While this is a Victorian Government project, Council regularly meets with the Suburban Rail Loop Authority (SRLA) to ensure their works are well-planned and communicated. As part of their commitments, the SRLA will provide the community with advanced notification of works around the station precincts in the coming months.

If you live, work or own property near one of the planned stations, the SRLA may write to you or even visit you to keep you informed. Construction works currently underway or planned are outlined on the Victorian Government's Big Build website.

Victorian Government - precinct planning

In early 2024, Council was invited to provide feedback on the planning directions released for the Victorian Government’s Suburban Rail Loop (SRL) precincts around future station locations. In Monash, that is Clayton, Glen Waverley, and Monash (close to Monash University, Clayton).

The SRL is an important transport project for Melbourne, and a potential game changer for how people travel to, from and around Monash. The Victorian Government is also looking to create greater density of housing and has powers as a planning authority to amend planning controls around the future stations to do this.

Our feedback to the Victorian Government reinforced Council’s support for the SRL but continued our requests for greater detail about the community infrastructure to support this growth – among other feedback.

It is crucial to get the planning for these areas right, and Council will continue to ask the Victorian Government for more genuine input into each step of the process.

See our full submission here.

Council's earlier advocacy work

In 2021 and 2022, we facilitated a comprehensive consultation process and overwhelming our community told us they agree the Suburban Rail Loop is a game changer for transport in Victoria and for shaping Glen Waverley’s future.

However, you also told us that you share our key concerns of the project’s design:

  • That the existing Glen Waverley station should be undergrounded with a direct pedestrian connection to the new SRL station.
  • That Myrtle Street should be extended to create a ring road to support Council’s long-term vision for a more pedestrian friendly environment on Kingsway.
  • That off-street parking options need to be considered close to businesses in Kingsway.

You can read in the various reports attached linked to on this page about our early advocacy efforts.

Council's concerns

The Glen Waverley SRL station precinct sits within the Glen Waverley Activity Centre. Development is guided by the Glen Waverley Activity Centre Structure Plan (2014). Amendment C120 was gazetted in 2018 which incorporated the GWAC Structure Plan into the Planning Scheme.

Planning and building activity over many years, has anticipated future lowering of Glen Waverley station below ground to enable better flow, activation of land over the station and pedestrian improvements to Kingsway.

The SRL Project triggers changes, particularly potential loss or relocation of parking and poorer traffic flow. Council believes lowering the Glen Waverley Metro station would improve these issues.

This formed part of Council’s EES submission. The SRLA has advised it will not be progressing this option.

Council is now seeking a connected underground pedestrian platform between the new SRL station and the existing Glen Waverley station. The SRLA instead wants to close a section of Coleman Parade to provide a pedestrian crossing above ground, connecting the two stations.

Council believes this is a missed opportunity to have a more integrated and connected station, similar to Box Hill Station which is below a shopping centre. This would also allow for a long overdue enhancement of the existing Glen Waverley Station.

SRLA have advised this is out of scope for its project.

Find out more about Council's key concerns