Project update

The development of a second synthetic hockey pitch at Ashwood Reserve underwent community consultation in 2021.

Council previously reviewed community feedback on the project at its August 2021 meeting, where it noted the need to secure $2 million in external funding and to work with tenants, the Victorian Sikh Association, to relocate the organisation at their request.

Following a review of feasible options for the club’s potential relocation, the Victorian Sikh Association has decided to remain at Ashwood Reserve and share its facility with the hockey club if a second pitch proceeds, subject to modest modifications to the pavilion.

The development of a second hockey pitch remains a Council priority, however is subject to receiving external funding of at least $2 million toward the project.

Project background

Initial request and feasibility study (2018-2020)

In 2018, the Melbourne Outer East Hockey Feasibility Study found that there was a shortage of synthetic hockey fields in the eastern region of Melbourne and recommended that a second field be developed at Ashwood Reserve. This was supported by tenants the Waverley Hockey Club, who had a longstanding request to develop a second hockey field.

In response to the hockey club’s request and the initial feasibility study’s findings, Council undertook a more detailed feasibility assessment of the Ashwood Reserve site. The Ashwood Reserve feasibility study found the proposal was feasible in terms of the site's suitability, demand and usage. Key findings were presented to and endorsed by Council in December 2019.

An integrated site plan (ISP) was also completed in 2020 for Ashwood, Jingella and Holmesglen Reserves including the linear connection between the three sites. The ISP detailed the proposed layout of the second hockey pitch and supporting infrastructure, and indicated how the development could be accommodated at the northern section of the Ashwood Reserve.

Community consultation and Council decision (2020-2021)

Community consultation on the proposed second hockey field took place from 19 April to 21 May 2021.

Council reviewed community feedback in August 2021, resolving to support the project only if external funding was secured and the Victorian Sikh Association was successfully relocated.The feedback report is available to view in the document library.

What happens next?

Following a review of feasible options for the club’s potential relocation, the Victorian Sikh Association has decided to remain at Ashwood Reserve and share its facility with the hockey club if a second pitch proceeds, subject to modest modifications to the pavilion.

The development of a second hockey pitch remains a Council priority, however is subject to receiving external funding of at least $2 million toward the project.

What was proposed

The following full concept design was provided to the community for consultation.

It included these elements:

  • Install a second synthetic hockey pitch, with supporting infrastructure (storage nets, coaches boxes, interchange benches, scoreboard, warm up area) at the northern section of the reserve.
  • Install a low-level fence surrounding the hockey pitch as per facility standards.
  • Install high safety fence around the broader section of the pitch area.
  • Install LED lighting with 500lux (similar to the existing pitch) to allow night training and match play.
  • Increase car parking on site and investigate off street parking opportunities.
  • Install path ways and connections around the reserve.
  • Power upgrades to the site required.
  • Options of sighting new or improved pavilions on the reserve.
  • Plant new indigenous species appropriately around the reserve and retain existing trees were possible.
Hockey Integrated Site Plan

Integrated Site Plan