What is Amendment C174?

Providing affordable housing delivers substantial community and economic benefits. People can afford to live close to family, work and services. Businesses have workers available to staff their business without long commutes. Schools and hospitals can provide education and healthcare efficiently with local workers. It also reduces the amount people need to spend on housing, benefiting the economy overall. Being able to live closer to work reduces commuting, reducing congestion for everyone.

Amendment C174 proposes to introduce policy into the Monash Planning Scheme to require developers to provide affordable housing where land is being rezoned to allow residential uses within developments of 20 dwellings or more.

More information about Amendment C174 can be found in the amendment documentation below.

Have your say

The amendment is currently on exhibition and the closing date for submissions is Friday 7 March 2025. Further information about how to make a submission can be found on the Make a Submission page.

The amendment documents are also available on the State Government's planning amendments page by following the link below.