Current status

At its meeting on 30 July 2024, Council adopted Amendment C157 as exhibited. The Minister for Planning has now approved the amendment and it came into effect on 30 January 2025.


Council has undertaken a review of the zoning of public land in the Monash Planning Scheme. We have identified various parcels of open spaces and other public areas across the municipality where the existing zone does not reflect the existing use, ownership or management of the land.

What is Amendment C157?

The amendment proposes to:

  • Rezone part or all of 181 properties within the municipality by:
    • Applying the Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ) to part or all of 172 properties, 171 of these properties are owned by Council and one is owned by VicRoads.
    • Applying the Public Use Zone Schedule 6 (PUZ6) to all of six Council-owned properties.
    • Applying the Public Use Zone Schedule 1 (PUZ1) to three parcels owned by Melbourne Water
  • Delete the Design and Development Overlay - Schedule 12 (DDO12) from 293 Springvale Road, 1-5 Bogong Avenue and 2 Euneva Avenue, Glen Waverley.

More information about Amendment C157 can be found on the Affected Land page and within the amendment documentation below.

Who owns the affected land?

  • 177 parcels are owned by Council.
  • Three parcels are owned by Melbourne Water.
  • One parcel is owned by VicRoads.


The amendment was on exhibition until 24 June 2024. Further information about submission process can be found on the Make a Submission page.