The Bellerive Avenue Activity Centre is a small retail centre home to five businesses, located near the intersection of Bellerive Avenue and Stephensons Road in Mount Waverley.
We are looking to upgrade this activity centre as part of the Local Activity Centre (LAC) Rolling Renewal Program to create attractive local retail centres in the City of Monash.
The preliminary concept design contains features to improve pedestrian access and traffic safety at the centre, provide better opportunities for outdoor dining, and boost the visual environment with trees and garden beds.
We are now seeking feedback from our community to be considered in the final concept design.
What we are proposing
- Widening the footpath to improve access and increase potential outdoor dining and trading opportunities (with appropriate permits)
- Adding new street furniture
- Adding trees to enhance shade and garden beds with low height planting
- Installing a raised pedestrian crossing to improve pedestrian safety
- Installing an accessible parking space to meet accessibility standards.
Preliminary concept design

How to provide feedback
Consultation closed Sunday 19 May 2024.
The community was invited to give feedback via:
- Complete the survey below
- Send an email to Robert Nikoloski, Economic Development Officer - Retail Liaison, at