Current Status

The Amendment was gazetted on 13 June 2024, and the changes came into effect in the Monash Planning Scheme. You can see the details of the approved amendment at Amendments Online.

When approving the amendment, the Minister for Planning made some minor administrative changes compared to what Council adopted, correcting a minor error and updating the format of the local policy sections to reflect the new format Planning Policy Framework that came into effect with Amendment C166mona.

The Panel's report and the Council report outlining the response to the Panel's report and recommendations are available below.

What is Amendment C167?

Amendment C167 implements the changes to the Monash Planning Scheme recommended by the Mount Waverley Activity Centre Structure Plan. In summary the amendment makes the changes listed below. You can find out more detailed information about the changes by clicking on the Detailed Information button below.

  • Makes changes to the residential zone schedule for residential land surrounding Mount Waverley Village.
  • Applies a Design and Development Overlay to guide design of development (including height controls) on commercial land in the centre.
  • Rezones six properties to the Commercial 1 Zone.
  • Improves planning controls for the Sherwood Park area.
  • Introduces a new Local Policy for all land in the Mount Waverley Major Activity Centre.
  • Makes administrative changes to the Monash Planning Scheme.

The amendment applies to land shown on the map on this page under 'What is the Mount Waverley Activity Centre?'


Exhibition of the amendment occurred between 9 June 2023 and 4 August 2023. Submissions have now closed.