News update

Project update

Following an extensive community consultation process with a significant number of opportunities for local residents to provide feedback and ask questions, Council resolved at their October 2023 meeting to lease the land at 65A Power Avenue in Chadstone for the provision of social housing.

We thank everyone who took part in the consulation process for their participation.

Information about the steps that lead up to the final decision and the varying stages of community consulation are outlined on this page.

The final report to Council detailing the proposal can be read here.


In 2022, Council sought expressions of interest from Registered Housing Associations to consider vacant land at 65a Power Avenue, Chadstone as a potential site for additional social housing within the City of Monash.

This is line with our Monash Social Housing Framework 2020-25 which guides Council on the provision of social housing to address homelessness and housing affordability in our community.

The proposed development

In 2021, the Power Avenue site was identified as suitable for social housing in Monash due to connections to transport, education, services, and open space.

Following an expression of interest process, Council identified HousingFirst Limited, an experienced social housing provider, as the preferred submitter. HousingFirst currently delivers services to approximately 2000 residents across a portfolio of 1422 homes in Victoria.

HousingFirst’s preliminary design includes:

  • 48 units over three levels comprising 1, 2 and 3 bedroom dwellings
  • 43 car parking spaces
  • 52 bike parking spaces
  • 280m² of internal communal space and 515m² of external communal space.

The proposed new social housing will be available to people registered on the Victorian Housing Register. Council’s contribution to the proposal will be the provision of land, no other financial outlay from Council is expected.


  • Council has updated HousingFirst's Concept Design Plans for this proposal. The original concept design plans approved by Council for Community Engagement indicated 52 apartments for the project. However the proposal as detailed in HousingFirsts submission and in the officers report stated 48 dwellings. The plans now correctly show the proposed 48 dwellings, which is what will be presented to Council for consideration. We apologise for this discrepancy. You can view the Concept Design Plans in the Document Library on this page.
  • HousingFirst may seek planning approvals for this project under the streamlined planning provisions (Clause 52.20 or Clause 53.30) of the Monash Planning Scheme. These planning provisions are designed to streamline planning assessments for projects that receive funding support under Victoria’s Big Housing Build or projects determined to be ‘by or on behalf of Homes Victoria’. Under these provisions, a planning decision on the HousingFirst project would be made by the Minister for Planning.
  • The project is not currently funded under Victoria’s Big Housing Build; nor is it funded under any other state government program for it to be considered ‘by or on behalf of Homes Victoria’. HousingFirst may seek funding from government in the future.

Community information session

Council held a community information session at the Batesford Community Hub, 94 Batesford Road, Chadstone for the community to discuss the proposal on Wednesday 24 May from 6-7.30pm.

The design response to the Expression of Interest from Hayball Architecture

More information

The Monash Social Housing Framework 2020-2025 was endorsed by Council in December 2020 and it seeks to guide Council’s efforts to address homelessness and influence an increase to the supply of social housing.

Throughout the Framework, Monash endorsed evidence that the most powerful action Local Governments can undertake to reduce homelessness is to support the delivery of homes that people can afford. For the lowest income households most vulnerable to homelessness, this means the provision of social housing.

The Framework’s priorities align to the Monash Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021 – 2025, where dedicated social housing and related homelessness actions are included.

Addressing homelessness and increasing social housing continues to be a high priority for the Monash community, with consultation feedback ranking it second highest among project priorities in the Budget 2023-24 consultation. See the community feedback report Annual Planning Process - Budget 23-24 | Shape Monash.

In March 2021, Council identified 65a Power Avenue Chadstone as being suitable for social housing in Monash.

In late 2022, Council completed an Expression of Interest to seek interest from Registered Housing Providers for the design, construction, and management of Social Housing.

In February 2023, Council identified HousingFirst Ltd as its preferred submitter. HousingFirst currently deliver services to approximately 2,000 residents across a portfolio of 1,422 homes.

HousingFirst’s preliminary development concept for the site will provide housing to applicants on the Victorian Housing Register.

The elements of their proposal are:

  • 48 units over 3 levels designed to complement the surrounding neighbourhood.
  • Carparking is within a basement along with bike parking for each resident and an EV charging station.
  • All appliances will be electric.
  • Water fixtures will meet at least 4 WELS rating.
  • Water storage will be accommodated and used for onsite irrigation.
  • Access to separated waste streams will be provided.
  • Community garden areas will be provided with organic waste recycling.
  • Planting will focus on new tree canopy. Plants will be drought tolerant native species where possible, with plant selections based on their potential to support biodiversity.
  • Selection of robust prefinished materials such as face brickwork will reduce ongoing maintenance and recoating requirements.
  • Anticipated completion is late 2026.
  • Apartments have generous frontages and balconies.

Changes to the Victoria Planning Provisions and all planning schemes (Clause 52.20 of the Planning Scheme) were introduced in December 2020 to streamline the planning process to facilitate the rapid delivery of social and affordable housing also known as Victoria’s Big Housing Build.

Clause 52.20 provides for developments of the nature proposed to be considered by the Minister for Planning, and for Council to be consulted only.

Public notice provisions are not a requirement of this Clause in the Planning Scheme, meaning that the community will not be able to object to the development nor are they able to exercise any rights of appeal at VCAT as one would normally expect with Planning applications.

The applicant will still however need to undertake consultation with the local community and Council to the satisfaction of the Minister for Planning, and provide a report to the Minister on the consultation for consideration by the Minister before they make a decision on the application.

HousingFirst will consider using these specific planning pathways for planning approval to progress this development.

More information: read the Report (pages 9 & 10) and Attachment to Council 28 February 2023 in the Document Library on this page.


  • HousingFirst may seek planning approvals for this project under the streamlined planning provisions (Clause 52.20 or Clause 53.30) of the Monash Planning Scheme. These planning provisions are designed to streamline planning assessments for projects that receive funding support under Victoria’s Big Housing Build or projects determined to be ‘by or on behalf of Homes Victoria’. Under these provisions, a planning decision on the HousingFirst project would be made by the Minister for Planning.
  • The project is not currently funded under Victoria’s Big Housing Build; nor is it funded under any other state government program for it to be considered ‘by or on behalf of Homes Victoria’. HousingFirst may seek funding from government in the future.

65A Power Avenue Chadstone is located close to Batesford Reserve and is within walking distance of other major parks in the area.

Council does not consider that the use of the land for the provision of Social Housing will impact upon the open space provision in this locality.

The Glen Waverley Rail Trail passes along the southern boundary of the site and whilst it is not directly impacted by the proposal it will be retained.

Next steps

In July 2023, Council will make a decision on whether to proceed with the proposal considering any feedback from the neighbouring community, its own position on social housing and the HousingFirst preliminary design.

Should Council resolve to consider a lease to HousingFirst in accordance with Section 115 of the Local Government Act 2020, public submissions will be invited before Council decides whether to or not to enter a lease.