Council is reviewing its Plaques and Memorials Policy, which was adopted in July 2017.

The 2017 Policy provides a framework for the management of existing plaques and memorials, the installation of new plaques and memorials, and assessment of new requests for plaques and memorials from individuals and community groups.

Based on review of past applications and research into comparable policies, the Plaques and Memorials Policy 2024 ('New Policy') seeks to update the 2017 Policy by:

  • Identifying potential, alternative commemorative options, which could be considered
  • Confirming the related approval process
  • Confirming the approval process in relation to new plaques installed by Council, which commemorate the opening of a Council facility or event.

Share your feedback on the proposed changes in the New Policy by Thursday 8 August 2024.

The key changes in the New Policy are detailed below:

The New Policy proposes to revise Section 6 (Approval Process) to confirm the application and approval process relating to requests for new plaques and memorials on Council owned or managed land.

In the event that an application is not approved, the New Policy identifies alternative commemorative options which the applicant may wish to consider.

These include:

  • A donation to Council’s city greening program
  • Development of a written history and/or website content
  • Approaching private landowners or the Federal or State Government on land they own.

The New Policy proposes to revise Section 6 (Approval Process) to confirm the layout and artwork approval process relating to Council plaques commemorating the opening of a Council facility or event.

The final artwork for any plaque shall be approved by the manager and relevant Executive Leadership team member of the Council division delivering the project and the Manger Communications and Media and referral to the Chief Executive Officer for final approval.

Council commemoration plaques will generally include the following information, in order:

  • Monash Council logo
  • Identification of the Council facility or event
  • The name of the Councillor and other persons (if applicable) opening the facility or event on date (day, month, year)
  • The Mayor (If not already included in the above dot point)
  • Funding partner(s) recognition (if applicable)
  • Councillors’ names (first name, last name -alphabetically)
  • Funding partner logo (if applicable)

If the information or layout is required to be different from the above, this should be discussed with the Project Working Group (or other appropriate group) and this reasoning included when proceeding with the approvals process listed above.

How to participate

Consultation closes Thursday 8 August 2024. Have your say by:

  • Reading the draft Plaques and Memorials Policy and taking the survey below, or
  • Emailing your feedback to the Urban Design team at