Council has completed works to extend and refurbish Mount Waverley Preschool as part of our commitment to the accessibility of early childhood services in Monash.

Works were completed at the end of January, and the facility opened in Term 1, 2024, welcoming back Mount Waverley Preschool for an exciting new year of kindergarten programs.

In the old facility, Mount Waverley Preschool operated with 26 approved places. It was previously co-located with the Mount Waverley Maternal and Child Health (MCH) service until the service was relocated to Pinewood Child and Family Hub in February 2023.

The refurbishment replaced the former MCH rooms with a new preschool room that adds an extra 22 places to the service where children can play, learn, and thrive.

Other features of the impressive expansion include an undercover veranda accessible from both rooms, the creation of a larger foyer, improvements to storage, installation of a modified, accessible children’s toilet and a newly renovated staffroom and kitchen.

The Victorian Government contributed $1 million and Council $360,000 towards the $1.36 million project.

Council awarded the tender from Simbuilt for the project.

Before After

Photo credit for above images: Jeremy Wight


Consultation with key stakeholders, including service providers and service users has been undertaken to inform the kindergarten extension design.