Progress Park update
Progress Playpark Reserve was upgraded in 2022 and is a perfect spot for the kids, with play equipment including monkey bars, slides, tunnel and climbing nets, plus conga drums, inclusive carousel, talk tubes and swings. There's also seating and picnic tables.
Consultation update
In May/June 2021, Council sought feedback from the local community on a draft concept plan for a connected playspace area at Cameron Avenue Reserve and Progress Park, Oakleigh South.
Council has received funding from the Victorian Government through the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s Suburban Parks Program to create a pocket park at Cameron Avenue Reserve. Additionally we are upgrading the adjacent Progress Park playspace and constructing a pedestrian-friendly shared space along Pitt Street, to connect the two reserves.
Feedback on the draft concept plan was sought between May-June 2021.
Following on from the community consultation, Council reviewed the draft concept design.
The feedback received for the draft concept plan for both Cameron Avenue Reserve and Progress Park, along with the connectivity and pedestrian access across Pitt Street, was positive. However, there were some concerns about the basketball court at Cameron Avenue, the amount of coloured hard surfaces and the lack of natural spaces. The community also outlined the desire to include additional elements such as sensory garden, splash park, outdoor fitness equipment, dog park and the inclusion of a public toilet.
The project team met and discussed the feedback and have amended the detailed design of Cameron Avenue to replace the hardcourt and basketball hoop with parkour and active obstacle equipment. The amount of hard coloured surfaces has been reduced and the material type has been selected to ensure low maintenance and durability. The design proposes approximately 20 new trees to be planted, with both reserves retaining open lawn space to provide enhanced family and social opportunities for informal recreation. There will also be an opportunity for sensory stimulation as part of the plant selection.
A public toilet has not been considered for either Progress Park or Cameron Avenue Reserve, however Council is developing a Public Toilet Strategy and this strategy will help inform future planning and identify priority sites for public toilets within Monash and will be presented to the September 2021 Council meeting.
Incorporating a dog park into either Progress Park or Cameron Avenue is not feasible due to Progress Park being identified as a dedicated playspace in Monash's Playground and Playspace Strategy 2020 and dogs are not permitted off-lead in close proximity to a playground.
The funding received for Cameron Avenue Reserve was from the Victorian Government through the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s Pocket Park Program. There is a separate funding stream for dog parks and if we were to incorporate this into the design, we would not be meeting the criteria set out in the funding agreement requirements. Council is reviewing the range and number of off-leash dog parks in Monash as part of the development of the new Domestic Animal Management Plan 2021-2024. An update will be present to the November 2021 Council meeting, on possible locations, associated costs, implications and any implementation recommendations, to allow consideration as part of Council’s 2022/23 Budget process.
Further suggestions for larger elements, such as a surface splash pad with water jets have not been pursued at this reserve due to spatial constraints, with provision for tree protection zones and the close proximity to neighbouring residential properties.
Further consideration was given to the inclusion of having a BBQ and picnic shelter at both Progress Park and Cameron Avenue and the decision has been made to remove these elements from Progress Park, with the retention of BBQ facilities and picnic shelter available within Cameron Avenue.