Project updates

Exhibition of the Amendment

Access to open space is essential to the community’s health and wellbeing. It provides a local place for people of all ages to meet, socialise, undertake physical activity, and to relax. Our population is increasing, more people are living in townhouses and apartments, and the amount of open space we have per person is decreasing.

To address this, Council is proposing to increase the open space contributions levy to ensure our community continues to be a great place to live and work. Funds collected will be used to expand the quantity of open space in Monash, and improve the quality of existing open space enabling it to be used by more people.

Amendment C169 to the Monash Planning Scheme proposes to:

  • Increase the open space contributions levy rate to 10% by amending the schedule to Clause 53.01 (Public Open Space Contributions and Subdivision),
  • Introduce a new local policy for open space, and
  • Make associated changes to the Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS).

The amendment was on exhibition from 30 May to 12 July 2022.


People were able to make a formal submission using the online form, by email or in writing. Submissions closed on 12 July 2022.

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