Residential Changes
The amendment proposes to apply two new General Residential Zone Schedules to residential land around Mount Waverley Village. The current General Residential Zone - Schedule 2 was applied around activity centres and in other locations until further strategic planning work was done for that location. The Mount Waverley Activity Centre Structure Plan was the further work for this area.
Most of this land in the General Residential Zone - Schedule 2 (GRZ2) will go to the General Residential Zone - Schedule 11 (GRZ11), however land generally along Stephensons Road and depending on the subdivision pattern, some land fronting side streets of Stephensons Road will go to the General Residential Zone - Schedule 13 (GRZ13).
A summary of changes is included in the below, and you can compare the proposed General Residential Zone schedules to the existing GRZ2 schedule in the Document Library below.
Issue | Current GRZ2 | Proposed GRZ11 | Proposed GRZ13 |
Neighbourhood character objectives. | None listed | Inclusion of neighbourhood character objectives specifically for the area. | Inclusion of neighbourhood character objectives specifically for the area. |
Minimum front setback | 7.6 metres | 6.0 metres | 5.0 metres |
Landscaping requirements | None listed | Requirements for landscaping introduced, including canopy tree requirements. | Requirements for landscaping introduced, including tree requirements. |
Side and rear setbacks | Walls not built to the rear boundary must be setback at least 1.0 metre for first storey, increasing with height. | Walls not built to the rear boundary must be setback at least 5.0 metres. | For properties between William Street and Virginia Street on the westside of Stephensons Road, walls not built to the rear boundary must be setback at least 5.0 metres. For all other properties, walls not built to the rear boundary must be setback at least 1.0 metre for first storey, increasing with height |
Private open space (single dwelling) | 40 square metres, with at least 25 square metres being private. | 60 square metres, with at least 35 square metres being private. | 60 square metres, with at least 35 square metres being private. |
Private open space - Ground Floor (multiple dwellings) | 75 square metres, with at least 35 square metres being private. | 60 square metres, with at least 35 square metres being private. | 40 square metres, with at least 35 square metres being private. |
Application requirements (above standard) | None listed | Additional application requirements. | Additional application requirements. |
Decision guidelines (above standard) | None listed | Additional decision guidelines to be considered. | Additional decision guidelines to be considered. |
Please note that the zone requirements only apply when redevelopment requires a planning permit.
Document Library
General Residential Zone - Schedule 11PDF (191.16 KB)
This is the proposed new General Residential Zone to apply to most residential land around Mount Waverley Village.
General Residential Zone - Schedule 13PDF (191.95 KB)
This is the proposed new General Residential Zone to apply to land along the Stephensons Road corridor south of Mount Waverley Village.
General Residential Zone - Head ClausePDF (273.91 KB)
This is the General Residential Zone that applies to all land in the General Residential Zone in Victoria.
Sherwood Park Estate
There are a number of changes to the planning controls for the residential dwellings surrounding Sherwood Park. The changes are being made to give more weight to some of the objectives by relocating them from the Design and Development Overlay Schedule 3 (DDO3) to the Neighbourhood Residential Zone Schedule 5 (NRZ5).
Two other key changes are proposed. The NRZ5 will apply mandatory height limit of two storeys to all development, replacing the three storey height limit allowable under the existing General Residential Zone 3 (GRZ3). The NRZ5 will also introduce a minimum lot size for new subdivisions of 300 square metres. While the current provisions do not apply a minimum lot size and allow three storey development, these would be subject to a neighbourhood character assessment and assessed on a case by cases basis. The proposed provisions provide greater clarity and certainty.
The DDO3 has been substantially redrafted. Where possible provisions have been relocated to the NRZ5 which will give them greater weight in consideration. Where these provisions cannot be included in the NRZ5 schedule they remain in the DDO3 schedule. The DDO3 schedule has been edited to provide greater clarity.
Copies of the existing zone and schedule (GRZ3), proposed zone and schedule (NRZ5) and the DDO3 schedule showing the proposed version as it will appear in the scheme, and showing changes from the current provision are all included in the below document library.
Document Library
Existing General Residential ZonePDF (273.91 KB)
Existing Zone control proposed to be replaced with the Neighbourhood Residential Zone around Sherwood Park.
Existing General Residential Zone Schedule 3PDF (206.14 KB)
Provided for comparative purposes, as Amendment C167 proposes to remove this from around Sherwood Park.
Neighbourhood Residential ZonePDF (278.23 KB)
Proposed to be applied to residential land around Sherwood Park.
Commercial Rezoning
The amendment proposes to rezone all or part of six properties to the Commercial 1 Zone (C1Z). The map in the document library below shows the properties being rezoned to Commercial 1 Zone. The table below lists the properties, including what their current zones are. Three of the five properties are currently partially in the Commercial 1 Zone and partially in another zone with the amendment correcting this anomaly.
Address | Ownership | Use | Current Zone(s) |
256 Stephensons Road | Private | Place of worship | General Residential Zone 2 |
256A Stephensons Road | Council | Carpark | General Residential Zone 2 |
258-260 Stephensons Road | Private | Petrol Station | Commercial 1 Zone & General Residential Zone 2 |
47-61 Virginia Street | Private and Council (mixed) | Carpark | General Residential Zone 2 Public Use Zone 6 |
64-74 Virginia Street | Private | Supermarket | Commercial 1 Zone & General Residential Zone 2 |
331-343 Stephensons Road | Council | Carpark | General Residential Zone 2 Public Use Zone 6 |
Document Library
Design and Development Overlay
The amendment proposes to introduce a new Design and Development Overlay Schedule 17 (DDO17) to the Monash Planning Scheme, and apply it to all land in the Commercial 1 Zone in the Mount Waverley Activity Centre. This includes land that is being being rezoned as part of the amendment.
The DDO17 applies to new development applications in the Mount Waverley Activity Centre, and does not apply to land in the residential zones.
The Design and Development Overlay Schedule seeks to ensure any new development is of high quality, and seeks to retain the village feel. Specific objectives of the DDO include:
- Improving the amenity of public areas.
- Building height controls. In general these are:
- Up to eight storeys for part of the large carpark fronting Virginia Street and Winbourne Avenue, with the remainder being three storeys.
- Four to Five storeys for land fronting Stephensons Road (dependent on ceiling heights).
- Three to four storeys for other Commercial Land.
- Requiring greater setbacks for the upper levels of buildings.
- Alternate setbacks for commercial buildings with a residential interface.
- Requirements to prevent solid blank walls to pedestrian areas.
- Seeking to ensure large buildings are better designed with architectural features.
- Prioritisation of pedestrians around driveways and loading areas.
- Landscaping and screening controls for rear loading and delivery areas.
The Design and Development Overlay is available below.
Document Library
Local Policy
The amendment introduces a specific local policy for land in the structure plan area at clause 22.16. This is a new clause to provide further guidance around land use locations, pedestrian prioritisation and other guidance for development and land uses.
Minor changes are also proposed in clause 21.06, the activity centres clause of the Municipal Strategic Statement. These changes add in specific strategies and information for Mount Waverley Major Activity Centre now that the structure plan has been prepared. The changes to this clause are shown in green text for additions, and red text for deletions.
Document Library
Administrative Changes
A number of administrative changes also need to be made to reflect the amendment. These include:
- Changes to the schedule to clause '52.28 - Gaming' to reflect land that is being added to the Commercial 1 Zone.
- Changes to the schedule to clause '72.08 - Background Documents' to reflect that the Mount Waverley Activity Centre Structure Plan is now a background document to the Monash Planning Scheme.