
As Mirvac finishes their development of the estate, we’ll start taking over the maintenance of your neighbourhood from June 2022.

We’re currently working with Mirvac on a smooth and staged handover leading up to June 2022 and over 3–6 months afterwards.

In line with how we look after other public spaces and parks in Monash, we’ll be regularly maintaining many of the facilities and amenities in the area. These include:

  • Barbecues, shelters, benches, picnic tables, bin enclosures
  • Fitness equipment
  • Kiosk (once constructed and operating)
  • Ponds and wetlands
  • Landscaping (parks and garden areas, road reserves, streets and trees)
  • Playgrounds, skate park and multi-purpose court
  • Public toilets, shade sails, retaining walls and structures

The cost of open space maintenance has been provided for in long term financial planning, with no additional cost to residents.

What's changing?

  • As Mirvac completes the development of the Waverley Park estate, Council will start taking over the maintenance of the open space areas from June 2022.
  • Council will implement regular maintenance schedules to the open space facilities and amenities of the area, to the same standard as all Monash public spaces and parks.
  • Nature strip maintenance, including mowing, will change and become the resident’s responsibility.

What's not changing?

  • Maintenance of Waverley Park Stadium and football ground will remain with Hawthorn Football Club.
  • Roads, footpaths, drains, litter control, waste collection and street sweeping, which are already maintained by Council.

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Liesl Pacher

Acting Manager Horticultural Services

  • Parks, reserves, gardens and nature strips
  • Aboriculture services (trees and plants)
  • Heritage/Conservation services (bushland, wetlands)

Bob Mason

Coordinator Facility Maintenance

Buildings and infrastructure maintenance

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