
Intersection upgrade moving forward

16 May 2022

The Glen Waverley Sports Hub project has reached another important milestone, with Council awarding the tender for the provision of upgrade works at the intersection of Jells Road and Waverley Road, Glen Waverley to Appia Pty Ltd.

These works, carried out in conjunction with the North East Link Project and the Department of Transport, are part of the new tennis centre and multisport pavilion project in the sports hub at the Glen Waverley public golf course.

The intersection upgrade is to cater for the safe movement and operation of increased traffic as a result of the sports hub, especially during peak periods.

The works will involve:

Installation and commissioning of traffic signals

Civil works, including road and pedestrian pavements and modifications

Asphalt works

Line marking and signage

Tree removal and minor landscape works

Traffic and pedestrian management during construction.

The Glen Waverley Sports Hub project includes a new purpose-built golf/tennis pavilion, an 18-court tennis centre, car park and landscaping works.

As part of the project, Council has been assisting the Department of Transport (DoT) to develop improvements for the Waverley Road/Jells Road intersection. The DoT, not Council, has authority over this intersection.

Independent traffic consultants modelled the intersection and noted it was operating poorly. This was consistent with views expressed by the community during engagement for the tennis project.

A range of upgrade options was reviewed and in August 2021, the DoT as the road owner endorsed the signalisation of the intersection as its preferred option.

Analysis of this option has included a thorough road safety audit of infrastructure needs, a design process with input from accredited engineers and road safety auditors to refine and finalise the design. Independent civil engineers completed the detailed design response.

In September 2021, the DoT and Council officers presented this preferred option to the community at an information session.

Works are scheduled for June to September and will be conducted Monday to Friday, between 7.30am to 4.30pm. Some weekend work may be required at times, starting after 9am. Council will have traffic and pedestrian management in place during construction and will make every effort to minimise disruption during the works.

If you have any questions about the project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the project website or email: