
Glenvale to call new centre home

9 June 2022

The $26.7million Monash Tennis Centre in the Glen Waverley Sports Hub is closer to serving up its first on-court action, with Glenvale Tennis Club signing-on as a tenant club.

When construction of the centre is completed and players take to the courts in 2024, Glenvale Tennis Club will hold a licence agreement with Council for eight of the courts, as well as having access to player amenities and an upstairs social space in the newly-developed state-of-the-art multi-sport pavilion.

Glenvale is currently a near neighbour of the Glen Waverley Sports Hub project, with its existing courts adjoining the north-western edge of the golf course.

For several years, the club has been eager to expand beyond its current six-court facility, however site constraints, court base structural issues and an ageing pavilion have prevented this from occurring. A move to the new multi-sports venue gives the club great potential to grow its membership and grow the sport of tennis in the area.

Glenvale president Brendan Mahon said the club was looking forward to a bright future at the new venue.

“The Glenvale Tennis Club is excited to be moving to a new facility with access to more courts, built to International Tennis Federation standards at a magnificent sporting complex,” he said. “There will be some sadness to be moving from our home for over 40 years, but the upgrade of facilities should lead to a more enjoyable tennis and social offering to our members.

“The club is thankful to the Victorian Government and Monash Council for this opportunity to support tennis in the local community.”

Glen Waverley Golf Club will join Glenvale as co-users of the pavilion and upgraded facilities in the Glen Waverley Sports Hub, making it another important partner in Council’s vision for a thriving multi-sport precinct.

It is expected that construction willcommence in 2022, and that the centre will be ready for play in early-2024.

If you have any questions about the project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the project website or email: