
Feedback on open space and traffic

29 June 2021

Design work on the tennis centre project is progressing. Improvements are also being considered for the Jells Road and Waverley Road intersection to meet the existing and future needs of this sporting and recreational precinct.

Council was keen to hear from the local community to better understand recreational usage of the reserve.

An online survey, available on the ‘Tennis in Monash’ page of the Shape Monash engagement platform, was held from 29 March to 30 April. The survey was aimed at the entire Monash community and promoted via social media. Hard copies of the survey were offered to residents without computer access.

Council also wished to hear local community thinking on traffic issues relating to the project, issues including traffic capacity, road safety, bicycle and pedestrian access and parking issues.

A survey and social map were available online on the ‘Tennis in Monash’ page of Shape Monash. The survey, held from 16 April to 9 May, was aimed at the local community based around the intersection of Jells Road and Waverley Road and a letter was delivered to 505 households inviting their participation. Hard copies of the survey were offered to residents without computer access.

Feedback reports for both consultations have been added to the document library on the Tennis in Monash page.

Council actions resulting from the two consultations are:

  • Feedback from the open spaces consultation will be taken into account in the reference design for the tennis centre and surrounding open space area.
  • Feedback from traffic consultation will help inform the traffic modelling for the intersection and development of a conceptual plan for submission to the Department of Transport.