
All set to start construction

27 September 2022

Construction of the $26.7million Monash Tennis Centre in the Glen Waverley Sports Hub is about to commence with Monash Council awarding the construction tender to Commercial Industrial Construction Group (CICG).

It is expected that construction works will commence this month, and that the centre will be completed and ready for play in early-2024.

When completed, the facility will feature a regional level tennis facility, golf practice facilities, public open space improvements, car parking, a pavilion and cafe and supporting infrastructure.

The first stage of construction, the upgrade of the intersection at Jells Road and Waverley Road, is already underway. The intersection upgrade is to cater for the safe movement and operation of increased traffic as a result of the sports hub, especially during peak periods.

Glen Waverley Golf Club will join Glenvale Tennis Club as co-users of the pavilion and upgraded facilities in the Glen Waverley Sports Hub, making them important partners in Council’s vision for a thriving multi-sport precinct.

If you have any questions about the project, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the project website or email: