The Revenue and Rating Plan is a new requirement under the Local Government Act 2020. It is for a four-year ‘block’ period starting on 30 June in the year after each general election. It provides a medium-term plan for how Council will generate income to deliver on the Council Plan, programs and services, and capital works commitments over the four-year period. The Plan defines the revenue and rating ‘envelope’ within which Council proposes to operate.
Council is seeking your feedback on the current policy and future directions of this Plan before it is considered for adoption (late June 2021). The consultation process is held in conjunction with the 2021-22 Draft Budget consultation process.
About the Revenue and Rating Plan
The purpose of the Revenue and Rating Plan is to determine the most appropriate and affordable revenue and rating approach for Monash City Council which, together with other income sources, will adequately finance the objectives proposed in the Council Plan.
How to provide your feedback
Responses to the draft Revenue and Rating Plan must be provided by a written submission.
Submissions must be received before 5 pm on 28 May 2021.
Submissions should include your feedback on the draft Revenue and Rating Plan and your reasons for holding that view.
Submissions are not confidential and may be incorporated or summarised (including your first and last name) into the agenda and minutes of any Council or Committee meeting that considers the plan. These documents will be published and publicly available on Council websites.
Step 1. Review the Draft Revenue and Rating Plan
Step 2. Submit feedback - sign up or login first
There are two ways to make your submission.
1. Complete the submission form online below, by clicking on 'Sign Up' or Login' in the 'Join the conversation today' box below, then complete the submission form.
2. Post a submission marked 'Submission on Draft Revenue and Rating Plan 2021 - 2025' and addressed to City of Monash, PO Box 1, Glen Waverley Victoria 3150 or email:, attention Danny Wain.
Submissions must contain your name, address and contact details. Please also state if you, or a person acting on your behalf, wish to speak at the Council meeting in support of your submission. Submitters wishing to speak to their submissions will be invited to attend the Council committee meeting on 8 June 2021.
Submissions close at 5 pm on 28 May 2021.