Project update

Council has adopted the draft Public Toilet Strategy to improve access to public toilets in Monash.

The strategy proposes a network of safe, accessible and well-maintained public toilet facilities that support community health and activity.

The strategy also outlines the issues and challenges in public toilet service provision, identifies a strategic vision and proposes a number of actions to address the gaps in public toilets.

The strategy includes a multi-year capital works plan that can be considered year-on-year as part of the annual budget process and includes new standalone public toilets and the opening-up of existing facilities to the public.

From May-June 2021, the draft strategy underwent community consultation with more than 700 responses received.

Key issues identified by the community included cleanliness, access and safety, with the community requesting environmentally-sustainable facilities with natural lighting and ventilation.

There was a preference for touchless operations with some comments requesting culturally-inclusive toilets.

Overview on community consultation

Public toilets are essential components of community infrastructure.

Council developed a Draft Public Toilet Strategy to guide public toilet design and service provision across Monash. In the Draft Strategy, we proposed prioritised locations and actions about where and how to fill the gaps in provision of public toilets identified in our earlier work. The Strategy also includes Public Toilet Design Standards to ensure the service provision meets the customer expectations of the community and visitors.

Feedback on the Draft Strategy was sought until Sunday, 6 June 2021. Residents could contribute via the toilet user survey, provide feedback on proposed strategic priorities, or ask questions.

  • Toilet user survey

    Tell us your experiences and expectation regarding public toilets in Monash. Your inputs will help us further develop Public Toilet Design Standard in the Draft Strategy (Chapter 7)