The Draft Urban Design Framework builds on significant background analysis and opportunities identification outlined in the Discussion Paper PDF, 9.49MB. Community and stakeholder feedback on the Discussion Paper has also shaped the development of the UDF.
In the sections below, please find a summary of the Draft Urban Design Framework PDF, 5MB.
Structure of the Urban Design Framework
Part A: Vision and Framework
- Introduction (pages 5-9)
- Vision and Principles (pages 10-13)
- The Frameworks (pages 14-29)
Part B: Precinct Plans
- Individual precinct plans for each of the 12 precincts (pages 30-63)
Part C: Built Form Design Guidelines
- Built form design guidelines for the residential properties along both boulevards (pages 64-81)
Development and Built Form
- Opportunity to encourage and support denser forms of development in line with the policy strategies for the Boulevards. Opportunity to explore mechanisms and controls, which are required to deliver denser housing models.
- Opportunity to encourage lot consolidation to allow for greater housing densities, limit off-site amenity impacts and provide consolidated access off side streets or service roads.
- Opportunity to emphasise strategic locations along the Boulevards through additional building height.
Public Realm and Amenity
- Opportunity to use the public realm and built form to create identifiable neighbourhoods with a strong sense of place.
- Opportunity to mitigate amenity impacts of high traffic volumes to create the Boulevards as attractive housing destinations.
Landscape Character
- Opportunity to strengthen the ‘Garden City’ character through high quality landscaping and canopy trees within new townhouse and apartment developments.
- Opportunity to enhance service roads to provide a stronger landscape character and provide for usable open space.
- Opportunities to enhance the landscape and improve cooling through canopy tree planting within VicRoads managed areas of the Boulevards.
Movement and Connectivity
- Opportunities to support pedestrian and cyclist movement by providing a continuous and safe cycling route along both Boulevards.
- Opportunity to enhance and provide higher priority to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users whilst maintaining adequate access for private motor vehicles.
Vision for the Monash Boulevards
“The Monash Boulevards are great places to live. They are green, safe, well connected and offer a range of housing choices for all.”
Principle 1 – Built Form Diversity
High quality, contemporary buildings will line the boulevards providing a range of housing options for residents. Taller built form will be located at key gateways and nodes of activity creating identifiable neighbourhoods and sensitively transitioning to adjoining low-scale residential areas.
Principle 2 – Movement & Connectivity
The Boulevards will be enhanced as safe and convenient places for people to walk and cycle between their homes and surrounding destinations. The service roads will be transformed into active transport spines that prioritise people and provide easy access to public transport hubs.
Principle 3 – Landscape Character and Public Realm
The boulevards will play a key role in enhancing the garden city character of Monash. A leafy landscape outlook will dominate views along the boulevards, strengthened with additional tree and understorey planting. The service roads will play a vital role in greening the boulevards through canopy trees and pocket parks providing quieter places for residents. Front gardens will further strengthen the landscape dominated environment.
Principle 4 – Sustainable and Resilient Communities
The boulevards will benefit from a range of environmental and social sustainability initiatives. New buildings will lead the way in energy efficiency and energy production while opportunities to capture, treat and re-use water within the boulevards will be maximised. Pocket parks, pedestrian and cycle links will provide places for people to gather and interact around concentrated nodes of activity, and will further strengthen a sense of belonging for residents.
Built form diversity framework
Movement and connectivity framework
Landscape character and public realm framework
Sustainability and resilient communities framework
Precinct plans can be found in Part B of the Draft UDF PDF, 5MB from pages 30 to 63. Refer to the map under 'Location and precincts' for a summary of each precinct and a direct link to the relevant page in the Draft UDF.
Part C of the Draft UDF PDF, 5MB contains built form design guidelines for the residential properties along both boulevards on the following topics:
- Building heights and setbacks (pages 66-71)
- Car parking and building access (pages 72-73)
- Landscaping (pages 74-77)
- Building form and design (pages 78-80)
- Environmental Sustainable Design (page 81)
Location and precincts

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