Road humps installation proposal

Bayview Avenue is under consideration for traffic management treatment. Your feedback will help Council determine whether to proceed with the proposed treatment.


Prior to the reduction of the urban speed limit from 60km/h to 50km/h in January 2001, the general traffic speed in Bayview Avenue was almost 60km/h. The general traffic speed is now around 52km/h.

Treatment style

Road humps that are lower in height and installed at regular spacing are the preferred design to encourage motorists to adopt a more uniform speed along the street, instead of repeated acceleration and braking, which often occurs when the humps are higher and further apart.

Resident poll

All households in Bayview Avenue are encouraged to participate in the poll.

Resident participation and ownership of these proposed changes are important for this project to proceed. We require feedback on the concept, as well as overall support from residents along Bayview Avenue, before we can move into a design phase.

To participate, you will need the resident code provided in the letter we sent to you. If you don't have it, please contact us.

Privacy collection statement

Monash City Council is committed to protecting personal information provided by you in accordance with the principles of the Victorian Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

The information you provide will be used to assist Council staff to determine the community needs and priorities on this policy.

You may access information you have provided to Council and make corrections if you believe that information is incorrect. For further information including Council's information privacy policy, visit