
Consultation report

1 July 2021

Following on from community consultation engagement opportunities during 6 April 2021 - 4 May 2021, Council has reviewed the draft concept design.

Thank you to those who provided feedback – it has helped to ensure that we deliver a project that is valued by the local community.

The feedback received outlined the community’s desire to retain swings within the design, remove the talking tubes and increase seating opportunities for large groups.

We have amended the design to reflect this feedback and the new detailed design will include a single 2-swing (single and toddler seats) in the village green area of the playspace and a the three swivel chairs and small table located in the village green area will be replaced with an accessible picnic table.

A decision was also made to remove the talking tubes from the design.

Construction works are due to commence in late 2021 / early 2022.