Have your say on road safety improvements in your street
We are seeking your input on a proposal aimed at improving safety for vulnerable road users crossing View Mount Road in Glen Waverley.
The Scotchmans Creek Trail runs between Whites Lane Reserve, on the west side of View Mount Road, and the playground on the east side, adjacent to Brentwood Preschool. Currently, there is no protected crossing point nearby for pedestrians and cyclists, and they are using the existing carpark vehicle crossing on the east side to access the off-road shared user path.
What are we proposing?
To improve the safety of all road users, we propose to install a raised crossing point on View Mount Road, along with additional road humps on each approach, to control traffic speed.
We propose the following treatments:
- install a raised pedestrian and cyclist prioritised crossing
- realign and widen the shared user path to comply with current standards
- install road humps on both sides of the raised crossing, outside No.48 and No.64 View Mount Road
- install associated line markings and signage
- upgrade the street lighting near the hump locations
- remove one small nature strip tree to improve sight line.
Flat-top road humps
The proposed road humps, outside No.48 and No.64 View Mount Road, are modified flat-top road humps that are lower than a standard hump (75mm instead of 100mm) and provide a smoother drive and a reduction of noise. Kerbside parking and property access will not be impacted by the new road humps.
Below are some examples of flat-top road humps in Monash.