
Road hump installation update

5 October 2023

Black Spot Program

In September 2022, we distributed a notice seeking community support for an external grant application through the Federal Black Spot Program (for the 2023/2024 financial year). The Black Spot Program is an Australian Government program aimed at improving road safety and reducing crashes and trauma on the roads.

Thanks to your feedback and support, grant funding has been approved and will help us to install traffic management treatments around and near the bend of Valley Street/Haughton Road, to address ongoing traffic speeding issues.

What will be happening?

While there is still some planning and design works to be done, we expect this project to be completed by mid-next year. A further advisory notice will be delivered to affected residents prior to works commencing.

Eight (8) evenly-spaced, modified flat-top road humps will replace the five (5) existing temporary road cushions at and around the bend.

The proposed flat-top hump has a lower profile than a standard road hump (75mm high instead of 100mm). Road humps that are lower in height and installed at regular spacing are the preferred design to encourage motorists to drive at a uniform speed rather than accelerating and braking for humps that are higher and further apart. They provide a smoother drive and reduced noise, while still addressing speed concerns.