As part of Monash Council's Street Tree Strategy, residents of Bishop Street in Oakleigh are invited to let us know what type of tree you'd like to see us plant in your street.

Our Street Tree Strategy helps protect and increase our street tree canopy across Monash - something we know is very important to our residents because of the role it plays in cooling, shading and beautifying our streets.

Bishop Street, Oakleigh

Following assessment by Council's aboriculture team, 11 street trees on Bishop Street have been flagged for removal. You can read a report about why each of these trees are being removed here.

In their place, the team has identified opportunities to plant 19 new trees at the locations on the below map, with 3 options for replanting available for residents to pick a preference.

Bishop Street - planting and removal

Species for replanting

Three different options for replanting in Bishop Street have been identified by Council's aboriculture team, with species identified most appropriate for Bishop Street, Oakleigh

These options are explained below with residents invited to pick their preference by 10 June 2024 using the below survey.

Council's aboriculture team will then begin working towards planting the species in the preferred option.

Option 1

Option 1 offers 2 different tree species.

Tristaniopsis laurina ‘Luscious’ (Luscious Kanooka) - to be planted on side of Bishop Street with powerlines

An Australian native. Leaves are dark green, shiny and large. New growth starts in a distinctive copper colour and further interest appears over time with the branches developing deep purple-coloured bark which peels back to reveal a smooth, cream trunk. Flowers are yellow and sweetly perfumed, appearing in clusters through summer.

Mature size: 8m high and 4m wide.

Form: Oval

Waterhousia floribunda ‘Whisper’ (Weeping Lilly Pilly) - to be planted on the side of Bishop Street without powerlines

An Australian native. It has a lightly weeping habit and attractive dark-green leaves with wavy edges. It flowers in summer with trusses of white flowers and has dark-grey bark.

Mature size: 8m high and 5m wide.
​Tristaniopsis laurina ‘Luscious’ (Luscious Kanooka).

Tristaniopsis laurina ‘Luscious’ (Luscious Kanooka).

Waterhousia floribunda ‘Whisper’ -  Weeping Lilly Pilly

Waterhousia floribunda ‘Whisper’ - Weeping Lilly Pilly

Option 2

Option 2 offers 1 tree species.

Tilia cordata - Linden tree (to be planted on both sides of Bishop Street)

A medium-sized deciduous tree with a spreading rounded crown. Glossy dark green leaves are heart-shaped turning yellowish-green in autumn. Has pendulous, fragrant, and pale-yellow flowers.

Mature size: 10m high and 9m wide.

Form: Oval

Tilia cordata – Linden Tree

Tilia cordata – Linden Tree

Option 3

Option 3 offers 1 tree species.

Fraxinus griffithii - Evergreen Ash (to be planted on both sides of Bishop Street)

Fast-growing, drought-tolerant attractive evergreen tree. With leaves that are shiny green on top with hairy silver colour underneath.

Mature size: 6-8m and 4m wide.

Form: Oval

Fraxinus griffithii – Evergreen Ash

Fraxinus griffithii – Evergreen Ash