Project update

At its meeting of 30 August 2022, Council declared a special charge scheme for participants in the Solar Savers Program.

Solar Savers Program

Solar Savers is a local government initiative making solar energy easier for homeowners, renters, landlords and business owners in participating Council areas.

In the City of Monash homeowners on low incomes were eligible to participate in this program.

The program finances the initial costs of installing solar panels for participating households with costs repaid via a special charge imposed on the property.

Participating property owners have signed a household agreement to this special charge and will be formally notified by letter of Council's intention to declare and levy this special charge. As part of this process, members of the community are able to make submissions on this proposal for consideration by Council. In addition, participating property owners have the right to object to the proposed declaration.

Notice of proposal to declare and levy a special charge for households who have participated in the Solar Savers program

In accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1989 (Act), notice is hereby given that Monash City Council, at its meeting on 31 May 2022 resolved to give notice of the intention to declare and levy a special charge under Section 163 of the Act.

The special charge is for the purpose of defraying the expenses incurred by Council relating to the provision of solar energy systems of residential properties participating in the Solar Saver Program (“Program”). These residential properties have signed an agreement based on the quoted cost of the provision of a PV solar system at their property.

The Program arises out of Council’s function of advocating and promoting proposals which are in the best interests of the community and ensuring the peace, order and good government of Council’s municipal district.

The special charge is to be proposed in relation to the properties listed in Appendix A to the report titled “Proposed Special Charge for Solar Saver Households”, considered by Council at its ordinary meeting on 31 May 2022.

The Program has been prepared on the basis that the participating property owners will receive 100% of the benefit. The total cost of the scheme is $52,993.52 (ex GST), and a special charge will be imposed on each participating property and formalised through a Householder Agreement which applies for a period of 8 years from 30 September 2022. The special charge will be calculated based on the size of the solar energy system being installed and the particular costs of installation at each property.

The special charge will be Ievied by notice forwarded to the property owner(s). Council will, by request, allow payment of the special charge by either full payment in a single lump sum or by quarterly instalments over 8 years, with the first payment due from 30 September 2022.


Any person may make a submission under Section 223 of the Act in relation to Council’s proposal to declare the special charge under Section 163 of the Act.

Any person who has made a written submission may also request that they (or a person acting on their behalf) be heard in support of their written submission. Such persons should indicate in their submission if they wish to be heard by Council.

Council will consider and, if requested, hear support for all written submissions received before 5pm, 22 July 2022 at the Hearing of Submissions Committee meeting to be convened if required.

Submissions may be submitted online below, or by email or in writing.