We're transforming the playspace at Mulgrave Reserve to a district-level playspace as part of the Mulgrave Reserve Master Plan. We're also relocating the playspace to the south side of the car park to better connect the playground with other facilities on the reserve.

Project update: August 2024

Council awarded the construction tender from Yellowstone Landscape Pty Ltd at the 27 August 2024 council meeting, with construction planned for the 2024-25 financial year.

Read the Council meeting report.

To help us measure the effectiveness of the upgrade and understand how the playspace is being used, we are also installing a sensor device at the existing Mulgrave Reserve playspace.

The device will be made live on 4 September 2024.

The device detects people as anonymous objects, with no other identifiable information, so your privacy is assured. It does not operate as a camera and does not collect or store any personal information or images.

The device will help Council identify patterns at the playspace, such as which play elements are most used and which days the playspace is busiest. Once the upgrade is finished in 2025, the sensor will be moved to the new playspace, allowing Council to measure the impact and success of the upgrade by comparing usage figures. Figures from the sensor may also be used to inform future upgrades of other open space facilities in Monash.

For more information, visit Council's website.

Project overview

In 2023, we asked what you would like to see in this new playspace and incorporated some of these ideas into an exciting draft concept design, which we then sought feedback on.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to provide feedback.

Below are some key changes to the concept design:

  • inclusion of senior outdoor fitness equipment
  • incorporating netball ring to basketball court area
  • minor access route/stair access change
  • natural reference to animals.

The project will now progress to the tender phase and we anticipate construction will take place in the 2024/25 financial year.

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Read the Feedback Summary Report

Mulgrave Reserve playspace draft concept plan

Mulgrave Reserve draft concept plan

Download a PDF of the draft concept plan from the document library or click the image above.

Please note that images of play elements are indicative rather than a precise specification. Some proposed play elements may change subject to budget.