The City of Monash is creating a Live Music Action Plan to support and grow an active, rich and diverse music culture in the municipality.
Council seeks to engage the local Monash live music community to inform the development of a City-wide plan, including vision and priorities for a Live Music Action Plan.
This Music Plan aims to develop our community’s capacity, increase participation and assist our music sector to flourish. This Plan will also provide a road map to support musicians, music businesses, music activity, and cultural places and spaces in the City of Monash.
Central to the success of this Music Plan is the voices of our local music sector and community. To develop this Plan, Council will consult with Monash-based musicians, music professionals, music businesses, fans and stakeholders who enjoy music in the region.
Arts and Culture is integral to our lives. The development of this Plan aims for inclusion, creating opportunities, providing authentic creative experiences and enabling Monash’s music sector to thrive.
Your participation will help shape the Action Plan
Separate consultation is undertaken with key music industry stakeholders. This online consultation is open to any member of the City of Monash community to provide feedback.