
Project update – Sale of 281 Springvale Road and appointment of project architect

1 March 2024

Work is progressing on a new Glen Waverley Civic Precinct following Council’s resolution in September 2023 to continue work on the project after extensive community consultation in July and August.

Following a public tender process, Council has appointed Lyons Architecture as the architects for this exciting project and they will shortly commence work on the detailed design. The Lyons team have worked on major public space projects across Australia and Council looks forward to working with them to bring the new Glen Waverley Civic Precinct to life over the coming years.

We are starting to prepare for the sale of part of Council’s land at 281 Springvale Road, known as Central Car Park. Council has previously resolved that the project would be solely funded from the Victorian Government’s compulsory acquisition of Council land in Glen Waverley for the Suburban Rail Loop (at Montclair Avenue) and the Central car park site.

Council will excise approximately 1,000m² of the land on the western boundary for retention and the future development of a public plaza.