Cover Page City of Monash Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 Image: Three pictures show two people painting on easels outside under two large shady trees, a young child with cat-like face paint smiling while looking at herself in a mirror, a boy and girl smiling for the camera as they are climbing up a climbing wall. Page 2 Image: A photograph depicts four young women dancing in unison, looking upwards with the upstage arm raised, wearing traditional Indigenous clothing over black clothes and face paint. There is a speaker, lighting and cords in the background and they are dancing on a polished wooden floor. Page 3 PLAN Contents Acknowledgement of Country 3 Mayor’s Message 4 Legislative Context 6 Consultation Process 7 Principles guiding the development of the Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 8 Staying on Track 11 Framework Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 12 Our everyday business that Contributes to Health and Wellbeing 13 Pillar One: ACTIVE AND HEALTHY 15 Pillar Two: ENGAGED, CONFIDENT AND CONNECTED 29 Pillar Three: SAFE AND RESPECTFUL 39 Acknowledgement of County Monash City Council acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land now known as Monash and pays respect to their Elders past, present and emerging. Page 4 Mayor's Message It is with great pleasure that I introduce the Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025. This plan represents our combined efforts to support the Monash community to lead healthy, happy and fulfilled lives. It recognises that good health is far broader than merely being free from illness: that it is a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing. Without good health, it is difficult to live lives to the fullest. As your local Council, we want to create supportive environments that make it easy for our community to participate in healthy lifestyles and engage fully in local community life. At the time of this plan’s development, we have experienced a time like no other with the COVID-19 pandemic. Councils have a key role in supporting their community to recover from the resulting broad ranging social and economic impacts, while continuing to respond to the major causes of ill health. This plan will play a major role in ensuring our Monash community continues to be healthy, sustainable, resilient, innovative and adaptive. This plan brings together all the areas within Council that help us define what creates a healthy city. It sets out the strategic health and wellbeing priorities to maximise the health, happiness and wellbeing of the Monash community. It identifies different sectors of our community and their specific priorities including people living with a disability and their carers, our diverse multicultural community, sustainability and climate change, community safety, gender equity, prevention of violence against women and children, LGBTIQA+, Age-Friendly, sport and recreation, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, libraries, neighbourhood houses, arts and culture, children, young people and families, place-making and community grants, people experiencing homelessness and people who are socially isolated and at-risk of loneliness. We have set our sights high for what we want to achieve and we couldn’t do it without the wonderful support of local community partners. Thank you also to the generosity of everyone who contributed their thoughts and ideas to the development of this plan. I am confident that together we will continue to build a healthy, strong and supportive community for all. Councillor Brian Little MAYOR Image: A portrait photograph of the Mayor, Councillor Brian Little. Page 5 Image: Photograph of a young man standing beside an outdoor pool on a sunny day. He is wearing a life guard uniform and holding a floatation device. Page 6 Legislative context Council's Legislative and Evidence-based Role in Health and Wellbeing Monash Council is committed to supporting its community to lead healthy, happy and thriving lives. As the closest government to our community, we know that we have an essential role in promoting the health and wellbeing of our residents. The Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021- 2025 is one of Council’s most important and influential strategic plans. This plan is dedicated to maximising the health and wellbeing of people who live, work, study and play in Monash. The Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021- 2025 [the Plan] is State-legislated and directly aligns to the Victorian State Government’s Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2019-2023. Every four years, in accordance with the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, Council develops a Municipal public health and wellbeing plan [MPHWP] to guide the health and wellbeing priorities of the community. The health and wellbeing priorities are to be evidence-based and evaluated. In this new four year cycle, the Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 is required to have regard to the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, Local Government Act 2020, Gender Equality Act 2020, Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2019-2023 and Climate Change Act 2017. The Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 also incorporates Council’s Disability Action Plan in adherence with the Victorian Disability Act 2006. Image: Ten joyous looking people are standing in a foyer, posing for the camera. Most are holding their hands up in gestures such as the peace sign, thumbs up or the finger heart gesture. Page 7 Consultative Process Council facilitated deliberative engagement with a broad cross-section of professional bodies, partner agencies, community leadership groups, Council advisory committees, priority cohorts across all ages and stages, all Council departments and the broad Monash population. Council undertook a Municipal wide survey that was open for a period of 12 weeks and received 375 completed surveys. The survey focused on establishing key public health priorities for Monash and understanding what was important to our community in relation to their health and wellbeing. Extensive focus groups, targeted advisory committee consultations and one-on-one consultations resulted in 35 meetings with approximately 380 stakeholders being formally consulted in the development of this plan. Council tailored consultation questions to allow for facilitated in-person consultation to be held with 160 primary school and pre-school aged children. Combining the survey consultation and the extensive focus group consultation, Council formally consulted with 755 community representatives who all reflected the full spectrum of community voices and needs. To support the municipal-wide survey and extensive focus group consultations conducted for the plan, an in-depth analysis of population health and census datasets specific to the Monash community was undertaken. This data collection process provides evidence as to what the key population health statistics and priorities are for the Monash community. It also sets the benchmark for where Monash sits at the beginning of this plan cycle and where we aspire to be by 2025. In the development of the plan, the health plan team met every three weeks with Council’s Corporate Performance team to ensure the new Municipal public health and wellbeing plan and Council plan align and share priorities where appropriate. The health and wellbeing priorities outlined in the plan’s Framework are the direct result of this consultation, data collection and research process. We have listened to what the community has told us and have developed a plan which is evidenced-based, aspirational, timely, inclusive and representative of the Monash community. We look forward to the partnership journey ahead with the Monash community and our key partners in implementing the plan. In alignment with the Gender Equality Act 2020, a Gender Impact Assessment was applied all through the plan’s consultation and development approach. A community consultation summary report will be provided to the October 2021 Council meeting. Council will also release a new edition of the ‘Our Community Snapshot’ document in each year of the plan, which provides detailed statistics and evidence in regards to the health and wellbeing priorities outlined in the Plan. An ongoing process of consultation and engagement with Council’s community partners and residents will be enacted during the life of the plan. A Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 working group will govern the plan. Page 8 and 9 is double page spread. PRINCIPLES GUIDING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MONASH HEALTH AND WELLBEING PLAN 2021-2025 The following principles will be used to guide Council’s approach and implementation of the Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025. HEALTH PROMOTION We apply a health promotion lens to all health and wellbeing priorities and are guided by population health data and evidence-based approaches to increase the community's control over its own health. We commit to maximising our community’s health and quality of life by addressing and preventing the root causes of poor health and developing programs, policies and services in response. GENDER IMPACT ASSESSMENT We adopt the Gender Equality Act 2020 through our plan and understand that gender can affect the needs and experiences of people of different genders differently, and that sometimes programs and services may reinforce inequalities. We will conduct gender impact assessments to ensure Council’s policies, programs and services are designed to benefit all in the Monash community. CLIMATE CHANGE We will support our community to reduce its impact on climate change while building resilience and safety in response to the public health impacts of a warming planet. INTERSECTIONALITY We recognise that people’s lives are multi-dimensional and complex and therefore our response to health and wellbeing priorities cannot be developed through a singular lens. HEALTH EQUITY The Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 commits to providing services, programs, policies and supports for everyone, but especially for those in our community who are most vulnerable. We recognise that not all people have the same opportunities for good health and the following determinants can influence health equity and outcomes in positive and negative ways: › Income and social protection › Education › Unemployment and job insecurity › Gender › Sexual identity › Cultural identity › Food insecurity › Housing, basic amenities and the environment › Early childhood development › Social inclusion and non- discrimination › Access to affordable health services Research shows that the social determinants can be more important than health care or lifestyle choices in influencing health. INNOVATION We are courageous in our approach to solutions and are willing to try new things. ACCESS AND INCLUSION We will remove or reduce barriers to participation by ensuring that information, services and facilities are accessible to people of all abilities and circumstances. RESILIENCE We will prepare for and adapt to changes and we will learn from our experiences, in order to manage other challenges into the future Image 1: A photograph depicts a young child, viewed from behind, as they paint a canvas that has the word "Water" painted on it, with a blue background and small blue circles. Image 2: An art work shows two cartoon style young women sitting close together, smiling and holding a cup of something hot. In the background of the painting there is part of a figure walking by and several thick colourful lines and arcs. Page 10: Image: A photographs shows a woman with a warm bright smile, posing for the camera. She is holding a toddler who wears a bucket hat. The background has dark panelling and the lighting suggests that they are outside. Page 11: STAYING ON TRACK Components of the Health Plan and How We will Measure and Evaluate our Progress The Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 has four key documents: 1) FRAMEWORK, MONASH HEALTH AND WELLBEING PLAN 2021- 2025 which outlines the 27 health and wellbeing priorities that Council will focus on and seek outcomes against over the next four years. 2) FOUR YEAR STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN, MONASH HEALTH AND WELLBEING PLAN 2021-2025 which identifies our health and wellbeing priorities for the next four years and high-level priority actions we will enact to achieve our stated four year outcomes. The high-level plan identifies the outcomes Council commits to against each priority for the next four years and indicators to measure the progress, learnings and success of our actions. 3) ACTION PLAN which sits under the Four Year Strategic Action Plan will be released every two years and will outline the initiatives that will be implemented, monitored and evaluated to achieve our four- year strategic plan. 4) OUR COMMUNITY: A SNAPSHOT which highlights key community evidence integral to shaping our priorities and measuring our success which will be updated and released every year of the plan. Viewed together, the four documents provide the framework, evidence base and actions for addressing issues which impact the health and wellbeing of the Monash community. We will ensure our approach remains live and adaptive to changes in community by taking the following steps. We will: » Annually review and if necessary, amend our Four Year Strategic Action Plan to ensure its currency and responsiveness to the Monash community » Update our evidence as new information comes to hand » Update community information as new issues emerge » Review and expand our approach on the basis of important new information » Work in close association with and progress reports to Council staff, community partner agencies and all advisory committees that contribute to the plan » Review our achievements against the evidence » Release an Action Plan every two years » Provide an evaluation report to Council every two years » Develop a detailed four-year evaluation at the conclusion of this plan in 2025 Page 12 FRAMEWORK MONASH HEALTH AND WELLBEING PLAN 2021-2025 Column one: Pillar One ACTIVE AND HEALTHY A city dedicated to optimal health and wellbeing for its community. HEALTHY LIFESTYLE 1 Active Living 2 Healthy Eating and Preventing Obesity 3 Harm Prevention HEALTHY MINDS 4 Loneliness 5 Mental Health 6 Strong Connected Families and Resilient Young People 7 Age-Friendly HEALTHY ENVIRONMENTS 8 Built Spaces 9 Open Spaces and Green Spaces 10 Climate Change and Health Column two: Pillar Two ENGAGED, CONFIDENT AND CONNECTED A city which actively listens, engages and values community voice in shaping its own future. CONNECTED 11 Active Community Engagement 12 Creative Expression and Community Events 13 Lifelong Learning 14 Strengthening Neighbourhoods and Communities SUPPORTED 15 Accessible and Affordable 16 Homelessness and Social Housing 17 Assertive Outreach Column Three: Pillar Three SAFE AND RESPECTFUL A city where every member of the community is valued and respected. ADVOCACY 18 Advocacy and Policy INCLUSIVE FOR ALL 19 Addressing All Forms of Discrimination 20 Equitable Communications 21 Fair For All Abilities 22 Gender Equity 23 LGBTIQA+ Inclusion 24 Celebrating Diverse Communities 25 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reconciliation SAFE COMMUNITIES 26 Preventing Violence Against Women and Children Page 13 OUR EVERYDAY BUSINESS THAT CONTRIBUTES TO HEALTH AND WELLBEING Image of a hexagon with the words "OUR EVERY DAY CORE BUSINESS THAT CONTRIBUTES TO THE HEALTH AND WELLBEING OF THE MONASH COMMUNITY". Surrounding this central hexagon are the following words in hexagons around the central statement. Immunisation Rates. Maternal and Child Health Program. Library borrowings and visitations. Aquatic and recreation centre promotion and visitations. Maintaining footpaths to a high quality. Maintaining our parks and gardens. Waste Services. Support and build the capacity of community groups, networks and service organisations including local sporting clubs, neighbourhood houses, community health. Responding to community needs through service provision and programs targeted to key stages of life. Responsive customer service. Communicating with our community. Consulting with our community. Conducting Citizenship ceremonies. Providing safe, accessible, welcoming community spaces. Page 14 Four Year Strategic Action Plan, Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021–2025 Image: The photograph depicts an action shot of six young women playing volleyball. On one side of the net someone has just spiked the ball, while on the other side of the net two people raise their arms in anticipation. Page 15 Pillar One ACTIVE AND HEALTHY A city dedicated to optimal health and wellbeing for its community HEALTHY LIFESTYLES 1. PRIORITY: ACTIVE LIVING Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Monash community to be more physically active and less sedentary » Increased participation in sport, active and passive recreation activities » Increased opportunities for active transport Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey: bike paths and shared pathways » Increase in physical activity in Council activities, programs, facilities and infrastructure » Victorian Population Health Survey datasets (Monash specific) – Health Conditions and Wellbeing, Health Behaviours, Inner Eastern Region self-reported health data » Bicycle Network’s annual Super Tuesday bicycle count to track commuter bike usage in Monash Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Provide physical activity programs, facilities and infrastructure that enable the community to be more physically active across all life stages: › Reach out to targeted cohorts with low levels of physical activity › Activate open, urban and neighbourhood spaces to enhance community connectedness, increase incidental exercise, promote free activities in the park and encourage physical activity in all forms › Improve walkability through the quality of footpaths, improving wayfinding signage, improved street lighting, increased access to public toilets, seating and increased time for crossing at lights to encourage physical activity. Row one, column two: Lead: Active Monash Partners: CYFS, City Design, Social Inclusion, Arts, Culture and Events, Community Strengthening, Communications Row two, column one: » Promote and provide opportunities for active transport via walking and cycling pathways to connect people locally to their neighbourhood and green spaces. Row two, column two: Lead: Active Monash, Engineering, Horticulture, Communications Partners: Sustainability, City Design Page 16 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES 2. PRIORITY: HEALTHY EATING AND PREVENTING OBESITY Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Increased fruit and vegetable intake in the Monash community in all life stages » Influence overweight and obesity rates in Monash through targeted education, highlighting the importance of healthy eating across all life stages » Influence and support breastfeeding rates in Monash. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Council Maternal and Child Health Data, specifically breastfeeding rates (CDIS) » Victorian Population Health Survey datasets (Monash specific) – Health Conditions and Wellbeing, Health Behaviours, Inner Eastern Region self-reported health data, Fruit and Vegetable Intake Measure » Providing education and information on the Victorian Government's Healthy Choices traffic light system to all Council services and settings that provide catering and food services. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Actively seek local partnerships and grants that promote healthy eating and nutrition and support regional and state-wide initiatives. Row one, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening, Active Monash Partners: Link Health, Inner East Primary Care Partnerships Row two, column one: » Educate, promote, encourage and provide healthy eating and nutrition across all Council programs, services and events, through all stages of life. Row two, column two: Lead: Active Monash, CYFS, Communications Partner: State Government, Libraries Row three, column one: » Promote and influence early years breastfeeding and nutritional outcomes. Council to support individual experiences and choices. Row three, column two: Lead: CYFS Row four, column one: » Promote access to healthy, local, sustainable and affordable food. Row four, column two: Lead: Sustainability Partner: Horticulture, Community Strengthening, Libraries Page 17 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES 3. PRIORITY: HARM PREVENTION Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years GAMBLING HARM » Sustained advocacy against the predatory gambling environments and advertising and action in the prevention of harm from gambling » Increased awareness within the Monash community about gambling harm and support services available. ALCOHOL HARM » Influence alcohol culture change » Improved community safety. TOBACCO HARM » Decrease the number of environments in which to smoke. IMMUNISATION » Protecting our community from preventable public health illness. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress GAMBLING HARM » Implementation of Alliance for Gambling Reform campaigns at a localised level » Participation in Council-run events that are designed to provide alternative recreational activities to gambling. ALCOHOL HARM » Victorian Population Health Survey Dataset: Health Behaviours, Inner Eastern Region Self- reported Health Data » Monash Sporting Clubs Framework implementation and evaluation. TOBACCO HARM » Victorian Population Health Survey Dataset: Inner Eastern Region Self-reported Health Data, Health Behaviours. IMMUNISATION » Immunisation rates measured through Australian Immunisation Register. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Implement the priorities of the City of Monash Public Health Approach to Gambling Policy Statement. Row one, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partner: Active Monash, Property Row two, column one: » Monitor and respond to the emerging needs within the community regarding addiction with gambling, social media, technology and related platforms. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening, CYFS, Communications Page 18 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES 3. PRIORITY: HARM PREVENTION (cont.) Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO (cont.)" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS (cont.)" Row one, column one: » Promote and educate social responsibility in community settings such as sports clubs in relation to their influential role in preventing harm from gambling, alcohol and tobacco. Row one, column two: Lead: Active Monash, Community Strengthening, Communications Row two, column one: » Promote and advocate to minimise harm from smoking and second-hand smoke in Monash with the application of the new Local Law ‘Smoke Free Areas’ and health promotion advocacy. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Amenity Partners: Community Strengthening, CYFS, Communications Row three, column one: » Collaborate with community organisations and established networks focusing on the prevention of alcohol harm and positive culture change. Row three, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Row four, column one: » Maximise public health of the Monash community through Council's immunisation program. Row four, column two: Lead: CYFS Image: Photograph of a truck with written advertising on the side reading "The Pokies Play You! Victorian pokies loss = $3.2 billion year. Enough!" Page 19 Image: A photograph of an outdoor scene on grass with a group of people in the distance. In the foreground are a giant Jenga game pieces and four bocce balls and the small white bocce target ball. A sign behind the games reads "Giant games, fun fuelled and alcohol free." Text on the giant Jenga game pieces include "make the most of Sunday, enjoy alcohol free weekends", "More alcohol, more harm. Sobering maths", "Avoiding alcohol can reduce anxiety and depression" and "the less alcohol you drink, the lower your risk of cancer". Page 20 HEALTHY MINDS 4. PRIORITY: LONELINESS Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Influence a reduction of loneliness and social isolation in Monash » Recognise the importance of social health and facilitating connections and community engagement as a way of reducing loneliness. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Annual Community Satisfaction Survey » Monash Youth Survey » Municipal public health and wellbeing survey » All relevant Council surveys targeted to specific cohorts » Monash programs, social policies and strategic planning and evaluation. Page 21 HEALTHY MINDS 5. PRIORITY: MENTAL HEALTH (cont.) Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO (cont.)" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS (cont.)" Row one, column one: » Support the positive mental health of our community through education, navigating referral pathways and the promotion of available resources and targeted campaigns. Row one, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening, CYFS, Communications Row two, column one: » Provide a series of internally-focused programs that focus on the health and wellbeing of all Monash employees. Row two, column two: Lead: People and Safety 6. PRIORITY: STRONG CONNECTED FAMILIES AND RESILIENT YOUNG PEOPLE Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Council will increase the capacity of parents and carers to be confident in their role as the primary influence in a child and young person’s life » Young people in Monash will be provided with opportunities to be engaged and connected. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Council-specific data collection for program and service targeted to parents, carers and young people. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Foster partnerships with community organisations to provide programs and services that build the capacity of parents and carers. Row one, column two: Lead: CYFS Partners: Integrated family services network, community groups and organisations Row two, column one: » Promote a strong literate community that supports parents and carers with accessible literacy and education programs. Row two, column two: Lead: Libraries Partners: CYFS Row three, column one: » Monitor and respond to key indicators of social, emotional and mental wellbeing of children and young people through the provision of strength-based, person- centred programs, activities and services. Row three, column two: Lead: CYFS Partners: Integrated family services network, community groups and organisations Row four, column one: » Facilitate opportunities for intergenerational interaction through Council services and programs. Row four, column two: Lead: CYFS Row five, column one: » Facilitate opportunities for children and young people to connect to their natural environment\ Row five, column two: Lead: Social Inclusion, CYFS, Active Monash Partners: CYFS, Horticulture, Sustainability Page 22 HEALTHY MINDS 7. PRIORITY: AGE-FRIENDLY Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Establish Monash as an Age-Friendly and Dementia-Friendly community. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Dedicated evaluation frameworks for Age-Friendly and Dementia-Friendly Cities. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Establish Monash as a dementia-friendly community. Row one, column two: Lead: Social Inclusion Partners: People and Safety, MGA, Arts Culture and Events, Libraries, City Design and Alzheimer's Australia. Row two, column one: » Provide a range of programs targeted at older people that build connection and support wellbeing and actively encourage older people from a diverse range of backgrounds to be represented on Council committees, networks and forums and through the Age-Friendly ambassador program. Row two, column two: Lead: Social Inclusion Partners: Libraries, Active Monash, Community Strengthening, Arts, Culture and Events, MGA Row three, column one: Active inclusion of LGBTIQA+ older people by including positive and supportive themes in programs and events. Row three, column two: Lead: Social Inclusion Partner: Community Strengthening, Active Monash, Libraries, Arts, Culture and Events and MGA Row four, column one: » Educate and raise awareness on ageism and elder abuse and actively challenge attitudes and behaviours that enable elder abuse to occur. Row four, column two: Lead: Social Inclusion Partner: Community Strengthening, Communications, Libraries Row five, column one: Develop a whole-of-community approach to addressing ageism and preventing elder abuse. Row five, column two: Lead: Social Inclusion Partner: Community Strengthening, Libraries Page 23 Image: A photograph depicts a bright sunny day in a park, with dry grass, a walking path and native trees in the background. Two women talk to each other as they walk, one has a border collie on a lead, a man nearby is carrying a clipboard and in the background are several small groups of people walking in the park. Page 24 HEALTHY ENVIRONMENTS 8. PRIORITY: BUILT SPACES Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Council buildings are fit-for-purpose, multi-use and are designed according to community need using evidence-based principles of service delivery. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Community consultation in the development of Council buildings. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Support our community to lead an active and healthy life through building accessible, fit-for-purpose and safe facilities that recognise active and passive recreation. Row one, column two: Lead: Active Monash Partners: Community Strengthening, City Design Row two, column one: » Facilitate integrated, co-located neighbourhood based buildings that respond to the needs of children, young people and their families and carers. Row two, column two: Lead: CYFS and City Design Partner: Infrastructure and Environment 9. PRIORITY: OPEN AND GREEN SPACES Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » A Monash community that has a strong connection to the natural environment and an understanding of its direct impact on overall health and wellbeing. » Increased public access to local open, green space in accordance with the Monash Open Space Strategy. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Community participation and engagement with Council delivered programs, services and campaigns. » Year on year increase of canopy vegetation. » Increase tree canopy cover to 30% by 2040 in line with teh Urban Landscape and Canopy Vegetation Strategy. » Increased public open space across Monash over the life of the plan. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Actively plan and design for an increase in all abilities, sensory and intergenerational playgrounds in Monash. Row one, column two: Lead: Active Monash, City Design Partner: Community Strengthening, Social Inclusion, CYFS Page 25 9. PRIORITY: OPEN AND GREEN SPACES (cont.) Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO (cont.)" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS (cont.)" Row one, column one: » Maintain and promote attractive, green and shady spaces to encourage time spent outdoors and a greater connection to the natural environment and overall wellbeing. Row one, column two: Lead: Sustainability, Horticulture, Active Monash Row two, column one: » Activate open spaces by increasing interpretive signage and maps. Row two, column two: Lead: City Design, Sustainability, Communications Row three, column one: » Activate public open space to enhance community connections through a range of physical activity, cultural, arts and events programs including public art. Row three, column two: Lead: Active Monash, Arts, Culture and Events, Libraries, MGA Row four, column one: » Actively work towards increasing tree canopy cover on Council land to increase the social and environmental benefits to the community by improving air quality, reducing summer air temperatures and creating habitat for birds and other wildlife. Row four, column two: Lead: Sustainability, Horticulture Row five, column one: » Actively promote Council’s GreenShoots programs across all Council programs and services to educate the community and build awareness on the importance of tree planting and the biodiversity benefits. Row five, column two: Lead: Sustainability Partners: Libraries, CYFS, Social Inclusion, Communications Row six, column one: » Promote and encourage businesses, residents and schools to grow native plants on their own land to increase overall wellbeing and contribute positively to climate change. Row six, column two: Lead: Sustainability 10. PRIORITY: CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » A resilient Monash community that is adapting to the public health impacts of climate change » Build organisational capacity to respond to climate risk so we can proactively adapt to change » Building Council and community’s resilience to extreme climate conditions. » A sustained reduction in greenhouse gas emmissions across the Monash Community. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Active engagement and participation in programs and services offered by Council’s Sustainability and Libraries teams » A coordinated Council approach to climate change » Annual Community Survey » Municipal public health and wellbeing survey » Coordinated release of information, communications and available resources in times of extreme climate conditions and global events. Page 26 HEALTHY ENVIRONMENTS 10. PRIORITY: CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH (cont.) Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO (cont.)" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS (cont.)" Row one, column one: » Develop the community’s resilience to climate change through the development of a climate adaptation strategy. Row one, column two: Lead: Sustainability Partner: All of Council Row two, column one: » Strengthen Council’s coordinated response in relation to extreme climate conditions such as heatwaves, major storms, bushfires and poor air quality with a particular focus on our most vulnerable community residents. Row two, column two: Lead: Public Health Partners: Sustainability, Social Inclusion, CYFS, Communications, Libraries, Community Strengthening Partners: South East Volunteers, Women’s Health East Row three, column one: » Actively seek collaboration and partnerships with academic institutions, peak industry bodies and state agencies to identify opportunities that support actions for climate change. Row three, column two: Lead: Sustainability Partners: Academic institutions, state agencies, peak industry bodies Row four, column one: » Support community organisations to develop and deliver sustainable initiatives. Row four, column two: Lead: Libraries Partners: Sustainability, CYFS Row five, column one: » Develop library collections and programs to promote community discussion on sustainability and climate change. Row five, column two: Lead: Libraries and Sustainability Row six, column one: » Partner on Zero Net Precincts and research collaborations with Monash University. Row six, column two: Lead: Sustainability Partners: Monash University Row seven, column one: » Actively promote and recognise the important role that libraries have in keeping our community warm and cool in extreme weather conditions. Row seven, column two: Lead: Libraries, Sustainability, Communications Row eight, column one: » Support children and young people to amplify their voice regarding the impact of climate change on their environment. Row eight, column two: Lead: CYFS Partner: Libraries Page 27 Image: A young child is posing for the photograph, standing in front of a large rock, grassy plants and a pond on a sunny day. The pond has some leaves of a water plant growing in it. The child is wearing a sun hat and his tee-shirt has pictures of collie dogs on it. He holds onto a stake for a sign. The words "story walk - stop 2" are readable and there is a picture of a duck on the sign. Page 28 Image: A photograph of three women seated at a table. Two are knitting and there is wool on the table in front of them. They look towards the third who is talking and embroidering at same time. Page 29 Pillar Two ENGAGED, CONFIDENT AND CONNECTED A city which actively listens, engages and values community voice in shaping its own future CONNECTED 11. PRIORITY: ACTIVE COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » All community voices are listened to, heard and proactively responded to through Council’s programs and services » Council facilitated programs, activities, events and celebrations respond to community needs, interests and aspirations » A socially connected community with accessible supports for those experiencing adversity or vulnerability » Volunteering is valued for its ability to strengthen social connections, prevent loneliness and provide meaningful opportunities to contribute to community life. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Community engagement through Council’s municipal-wide and targeted consultations » Community participation through Council’s programs, services and events » Engagement with Monash Council’s website and social media platforms » Community representation on Council Advisory Committees » Participation in volunteering opportunities through Council’s services, programs and activities » Culture Counts Evaluation Framework that identifies success and benchmarks Arts, Culture and Events Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Apply Council’s Community Engagement Framework best practice consultation principles to deliver targeted and open consultations with our community. Row one, column two: Lead: Communications, Governance, all departments of Council with a consultation component Row two, column one: » Actively promote and expand the reach of Council’s services and programs to increase community and civic engagement. Row two, column two: Lead: Communications, Libraries, CYFS, Arts, Culture and Events, Active Monash, Sustainability, Community Strengthening, Social Inclusion, Governance and Legal and MGA Page 30 CONNECTED 11. PRIORITY: ACTIVE COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT (cont.) Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO (cont.)" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS (cont.)" Row one, column one: » Actively develop and promote arts, cultural, physical activity participation opportunities and sustainability programs, activities and events that encourage participation in community life. Row one, column two: Lead: Arts, Culture and Events, MGA, CYFS, Social Inclusion, Active Monash, Community Strengthening, Sustainability, Communications Row two, column one: » Continue to facilitate local partnership networks and Council’s Advisory Committees to ensure Council is actively listening and responding to the public health and wellbeing priorities of the Monash community. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: Council Advisory Committees Local Support Network members Row three, column one: » Deliver the municipal-wide Monash Health and Wellbeing Series, in partnership with the joint Council working group, to respond to contemporary and topical health issues important to the Monash community. Row three, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: Kingston, Knox, Maroondah, Whitehorse, Boroondara, Yarra Ranges and Manningham Councils Row four, column one: » Provide and promote opportunities for participation in community life through volunteering, creative pursuits and representation on committees across all life stages. Row four, column two: Lead: Relevant Council departments Partner: local community volunteering organisations Row five, column one: » Engage with volunteer organisations to identify and address key barriers to participation in volunteering. Row five, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: Local community services/ organisations, South East Volunteers Image: A photograph depicts a young child running on the lawn in the park, followed by a man and a woman, who are also running. They are all smiling. The sky is overcast and they are dressed in clothes for cooler weather. In the background are out of focus trees such as a pine, a hedge and other trees. Page 31 CONNECTED 12. PRIORITY: CREATIVE EXPRESSION AND COMMUNITY EVENTS Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Council facilitated arts and cultural programs and activations that build capacity, share awareness of, and celebrate creativity, social connection and positivity for community. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Community participation and engagement with Council’s arts-based programs, services and events » Culture Counts Evaluation Framework. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Encourage creative expression and the showcasing of local talent through a wide range of activities that reflect our diversity and support community cultural connection. Row two, column one: Lead: Arts, Culture and Events, MGA Partners: MGA, Libraries, CYFS Row two, column one: » Develop an Arts and Culture Strategy that supports and encourages cultural development and the implementation of programs, activations and events to support connection and wellbeing. Row two, column two: Lead: Arts, Culture and Events, MGA Partner: Libraries 13. PRIORITY: LIFELONG LEARNING Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » The Monash community is supported and has access to lifelong learning opportunities across the lifespan. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Funding to Monash Neighbourhood Houses and participation and engagement in programs » Library service engagement data » CYFS participant feedback from service delivery Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Localised implementation of the Victorian State Government’s Three-year-old Kindergarten program. Row one, column two: Lead: CYFS Partner: Department Education and Training Row two, column one: » Facilitate and support the Monash Neighbourhood House Network to enable learning opportunities and social connections at a local level. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: Monash Neighbourhood Houses Row three, column one: » Provide and deliver accessible Library services that promote lifelong learning opportunities, digital literacy and encourage social inclusion. Row three, column two: Lead: Libraries Partners: Social Inclusion Page 32 CONNECTED 14. PRIORITY: STRENGTHENING NEIGHBOURHOODS AND COMMUNITIES Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » A strong and cohesive community that promotes inclusion, strengthens community leadership and encourages participation for everyone. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Participation in Council’s programs, festivals, events and celebrations. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Support and facilitate actions that build community pride and a sense of place. Row one, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Row two, column one: » Encourage residents to connect with their local community through organisations and services such as libraries, galleries, neighbourhood houses, playgrounds, sports clubs and local shopping strips. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partner: Economic Development, Active Monash, Libraries, CYFS, MGA and Arts, Culture and Events Row three, column one: » Increase the capacity and accountability of sports clubs to provide inclusive and diverse opportunities for participation. Row three, column two: Lead: Active Monash Row four, column one: » Actively promote inclusive and diverse programs, festivals, events and celebrations that foster inclusivity and encourage participation in local neighbourhood events and activities. Row four, column two: Lead: Arts, Culture and Events Partners: Active Monash, Community Strengthening, CYFS, Social Inclusion Economic Development, Sustainability, Community Amenity, Horticulture, Monash Halls, community groups, local traders Page 33 Image: A photograph depicts Wurundjeri Elder Ian Hunter smiling and putting his hands on either side of his neck with bent arms, behind him nine small preschool aged children are copying him. They are all outside in a park. The children are sitting on wooden stumps and behind them are native grasses and a young eucalypt tree. Everyone is wearing winter clothes. Page 34 SUPPORTED 15. PRIORITY: ACCESSIBLE AND AFFORDABLE Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Provide programs, services and activities that are accessible and affordable to all Monash community members » Barriers to participation are identified and addressed to increase accessibility of programs, services and activities. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Participation and engagement in Council programs, services and activities » Tiered membership model for Active Monash » Annual Monash Community Grant Program allocations » Number of people Council supports through Council’s Hardship Policy » Annual Monash Community Grant Program Allocations Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Promote and deliver affordable and accessible services and activities to reduce barriers to participation for those who are disadvantaged within the community. Row one, column two: Lead: Active Monash, CYFS Partner: Community Strengthening, Arts, Culture and Events Row two, column one: » Support community members through the application of Council’s Hardship Policy. Row two, column two: Lead: Finance Row three, column one: » Deliver sustainability education activities that reduce day-to-day costs of living and environmental impacts. Row three, column two: Lead: Sustainability Row four, column one: » Explore opportunities to improve mobility and transport options and services that respond to the diverse needs of our community. Row four, column two: Lead: Social Inclusion Partners: Community Strengthening Row five, column one: » Fund innovative programs that respond to key priorities of the Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 through the Monash Community Grant Program Row five, column two: Lead: Community Partnerships & Health Promotion Partners: Arts, Culture and Events, Active Monash, Monash Hall Image: A women in active wear is lifting dumbbells in a gym while seated in a wheelchair. Both her arms are lifting weights at shoulder height out to the side. Page 35 SUPPORTED 16. PRIORITY: HOMELESSNESS AND SOCIAL HOUSING Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Council to continue its involvement with the 13-Council Regional Homelessness and Social Housing Local Government Charter Group Coalition » Increase social housing stock in Monash and within the 13-Council Regional Homelessness and Social Housing Local Government Charter Group » Community understanding that housing is a fundamental human right for everyone » Partnerships and advocacy for a more effective, integrated and supported homelessness service system Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Dedicated outreach support for people in Monash who are experiencing homelessness or at-risk of experiencing homelessness » Increased social housing stock » Increased community awareness of the value of social housing from a human rights perspective measured through Monash Community Satisfaction Survey » Community engagement with the communications campaign Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Implement the priorities of the Monash Social Housing Framework 2020-2025 Row one, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: City Development, 13 Charter Councils, Homes Victoria, CHIA, Community Housing Associations and providers, MAV Row two, column one: » Implement the commitments of the Regional Local Government Homelessness and Social Housing Charter. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: City Development, 13 Charter Group Councils, Homes Victoria, CHIA, Community Housing Associations and providers, MAV Page 36 Image: A photograph depicts a portrait of a smiling woman posing for the camera. She wears warm winter clothes, fingerless gloves and a beanie. In her hand is a disposable drink cup. Page 37 SUPPORTED 17. PRIORITY:ASSERTIVE OUTREACH Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Monash residents who are socially isolated, homeless, at-risk of experiencing homelessness or are vulnerable are supported to participate in community life through Councils services and support networks. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Engagement and participation in advocacy campaigns » Community engagement through Councils services, programs and outreach support. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Respond to community needs and advocate for appropriate services to be located in Monash. Row one, column two: Lead: CYFS, Communications, Community Strengthening Row two, column one: » Provide outreach support to those that are socially isolated, at-risk of experiencing homelessness, are homeless or vulnerable in our community, with a particular focus on groups that are disadvantaged or marginalised and are at-risk of loneliness. Row two, column two: Lead: CYFS, Social Inclusion, Libraries, Community Strengthening Row three, column one: » Deliver a diverse and meaningful social inclusion program that targets loneliness and social isolation including Coffee and Chat, Monash on the Move, Community Transport and the Carers Network and programs. Row three, column two: Lead: Social Inclusion Partners: Community Strengthening, Libraries and Arts, Culture and Events Page 38 Image" A photo shows three State Emergency Services (SES) members wearing their high visibility orange uniforms and a black hat. There are three safety witches hats traffic cones in front of them. Behind them is an SES van with various doors open, displaying tools and equipment. In the background next to this is a tarp on the ground displaying power tools on top. Page 39 Pillar Three SAFE AND RESPECTFUL A city where every member of the community is valued and respected ADVOCACY 18. PRIORITY: ADVOCACY AND POLICY Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Demonstrated advocacy on public health and wellbeing priorities » A strategic and collaborative partnership approach that benefits the health and wellbeing of the Monash community. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Advocacy campaigns that lead to positive health and wellbeing outcomes » Local business engagement in Council-facilitated networks. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Advocate for a strong public transport system and participate in key regional networks that strengthen transport connectivity in the Eastern region. Row one, column two: Lead: Engineering Partners: Sustainability Row two, column one: » Lead public health advocacy on health and wellbeing priorities and partner with service providers, peak bodies and other levels of government to ensure a strong and united position including: › Gambling (Alliance for Gambling Reform) › Gender Equity and Preventing Violence Against Women (PVAW) › Homelessness (Regional Charter) › Mental health and medical outreach services for people experiencing homelessness. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: CYFS, Communications Row three, column one: » Advocate for accessible specialist services to be located in Monash for people with high level or complex needs including disability services and acute and chronic mental health support. Row three, column two: Lead: CYFS, Aged and Community Support, Community Strengthening, Communications Page 40 ADVOCACY Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO (cont.)" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS (cont.)" Row one, column one: » Internal business cases will be aligned to the priorities of the Monash Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 and the Council Plan where relevant. Row one, column two: Lead: Corporate Performance Partners: All Council departments Row two, column one: » Develop and foster community partnerships, networks and organisations to support sustainable programs and activities that contribute to a healthy and resilient Monash. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Row three, column one: » Foster partnerships, local business networks and key business events to support business growth with an emphasis on employment opportunities, recognising the impact job security has on health and wellbeing. Row three, column two: Lead: Economic Development Partners: Eastern Innovation Business Centre Row four, column one: » Reduce barriers to people with a disability obtaining and maintaining employment at Monash Council. Row four, column two: Lead: People and Safety Page 41 INCLUSIVE FOR ALL 19. PRIORITY: ADDRESSING ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » A safe and inclusive community built upon equality and respect that doesn’t tolerate any form of undue discrimination. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Municipal public health and wellbeing plan survey » Monash Youth Survey » Victorian State Government data Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Proactively address and respond to all forms of discrimination including race, age, gender, sex, sexuality, disability or religion. Row one, column two: Lead: All of Council Row two, column one: » Achieving tangible changes in attitudes and practices that discriminate against people for their race, age, gender, sex, sexuality, disability or religion. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening, Communications, Social Inclusion, CYFS, Active Monash, Libraries, Arts, Culture and Events and MGA Row three, column one: » Through established recognition platforms, celebrate the diverse community that is Monash and the contributions of individuals to strengthen our community. Row three, column two: Lead: Communications, Community Strengthening, Arts, Culture and Events and MGA Row four, column one: » Strengthen partnerships and support initiatives delivered at a local, regional and state level that facilitate sustainable change for the reduction of racism and discrimination. Row four, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: CYFS, VEOHRC, Victoria Police, Welcoming Cities, Monash University Row five, column one: » Support the community through education and awareness to actively challenge discriminatory attitudes and behaviours. Row five, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partner: Social Inclusion, Libraries, CYFS, MGA 20. PRIORITY: EQUITABLE COMMUNICATIONS Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Council communications to the Monash community are targeted, effective, accessible and culturally appropriate. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Engagement with Council’s communications platforms » Community stories of impact captured through Council’s communications channels » Participation in digital literacy initiatives » Culture Counts Evaluation Framework that identifies success and benchmarks Arts, Culture and Events. Page 42 INCLUSIVE FOR ALL 20. PRIORITY: EQUITABLE COMMUNICATIONS (cont.) Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO (cont.)" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS (cont.)" Row one, column one: » Support translation of all community facing materials into the diverse languages of Monash and the use of interpreters. Row one, column two: All of Council Row two, column one: » Capture community stories through Council’s communications channels that highlight the health and wellbeing outcomes of Council’s services, programs, activities and events. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening, Communications Partner: Libraries and MGA Row three, column one: » Enhance the community uptake and engagement with the Monash Bulletin, eBulletin and digital literacy initiatives across all ages to increase the community’s capacity and strive towards digital equity. Council to equally support those who are unable to access digital initiatives. Row three, column two: Lead: Libraries Partners: BT, Communications, Arts, Culture and Events, Social Inclusion, Monash Neighbourhood Houses 21. PRIORITY: FAIR FOR ALL ABILITIES Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Council facilities, services and programs are equitable, inclusive and accessible. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Universal access design principles will be applied to all capital works projects » Municipal public health and wellbeing survey » Partnership with Women’s Health East Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Create safe, inclusive and accessible spaces through the ongoing implementation of Universal Access Design principles in all capitals works projects. Row one, column two: Lead: City Design, Capital Works, Community Strengthening Row two, column one: » Facilitate equitable access and reduce barriers to Monash services, facilities and activities to people with a disability and their carers. Row two, column two: Lead: All of Council Row three, column one: » Better identify the needs of people living with a disability and their carers. Row three, column two: Lead: All of Council Row four, column one: » Engage and support carers in Monash and recognise the challenges that this important role plays. Row four, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Row five, column one: » Collaborate with Women’s Health East to identify shared priorities within A Strategy For Equality: Women’s Sexual And Reproductive Health, specifically high rates of violence against women with a disability. Row five, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening and Women’s Health East Page 43 Image: A photograph depicts two women, both are smiling and facing the camera on the grass outside the Council Civic Centre. They are both wearing brightly coloured traditional clothing, with beading and gold thread, and a headdress. They are both holding the edges of the skirt out at arms-length out to each side, to display the skirt as it forms a semi-circular shape. Page 44 INCLUSIVE FOR ALL 22. PRIORITY: GENDER EQUITY Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Council is a leader in the gender equity space » Gender equity is embedded in our community » Attitudes and behaviours that condone violence against women are reduced » People of all genders feel supported in their daily activities. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Gender equity is embedded across Council’s policies, programs and services in line with the Gender Equality Act 2020 » Gender impact assessments undertaken on Council policies, programs and services of significance » VicHealth Sport Participation in Victoria Survey » Monash Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey » Monash Youth Survey » Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Survey » Respectful Relations and Work-Life Balance Employee Survey. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Provide leadership for gender equity at a local, regional and state level. Row one, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Row two, column one: » Actively promote empowerment and dignity, challenge discrimination and respect human rights to advance gender equity. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: All of Council Row three, column one: » Work in multiple community settings and languages to: - Promote and normalise gender equity - Challenge gender stereotypes - Strengthen positive, equal and respectful relationships between and among all genders. Row three, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening, relevant areas of Council that align with priority settings including Active Monash, MGA, CYFS, Libraries Row four, column one: » Build the capacity of Council staff to undertake gender impact assessments on their policies, programs and services. Row four, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: All of Council Row five, column one: » Promote and demonstrate gender equity practices and provide appropriate resources to educators of young children and young people. Row five, column two: Lead: CYFS and Community Strengthening Partner: Council service providers Row six, column two: » Support systemic approaches to remove bias in employment practices. Row six, column two: Lead: People and Safety Partner: Community Strengthening Page 45 INCLUSIVE FOR ALL 23. PRIORITY: LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » The LGBTIQA+ community has a strong voice and representation across Monash » Council better understands the needs and priorities of the LGBTIQA+ community » Both Council and the Monash community are welcoming and inclusive of people who identify as LGBTIQA+. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Rainbow Tick Accreditation » LGBTIQA+ inclusion training for Monash Council staff » LGBTIQA+ Action Plan endorsed by Council » Participation and engagement in Council-led LGBTIQA+ events and services » Municipal public health and wellbeing plan survey. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Formalise communication and feedback mechanism between Council and our LGBTIQA+ communities. Row one, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening, CYFS Row two, column one: » Develop and implement the LGBTIQA+ Action Plan in collaboration with the LGBTIQA+ Advisory Committee. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Row three, column one: » Promote and celebrate LGBTIQA+ events and services. Ensure Council’s support of our LGBTIQA+ communities is visible. Row three, column two: Lead: Libraries, Community Strengthening, Arts, Culture and Events, Active Monash, MGA, CYFS, Communications Row four, column one: » Undertake the Rainbow Tick Accreditation. Row four, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: Pilot Departments Row five, column one: » Continue to develop services and collections for LGBTQIA+ community. Row five, column two: Lead: Libraries and MGA Page 46 INCLUSIVE FOR ALL 24. PRIORITY: CELEBRATING DIVERSE COMMUNITIES Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Monash Council celebrates its culturally rich and diverse community Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Census population profile summary Monash Profile » Monash Annual Community Satisfaction Survey » Monash municipal public health and wellbeing plan survey » Participation and engagement in Council services, programs and events. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Celebrate community diversity Row one, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening, Arts, Culture and Events Partners: All of Council Row two, column one: » Build connections with new migrants, refugees and emerging communities to assist their settlement in Monash. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partner: CYFS Row three, column one: » Develop and implement programs for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) to participate in active recreation and structured activities including Active Monash’s CALD Program. Row three, column two: Lead: Active Monash Partner: CYFS Row four, column one: » Build the capacity of the Monash Community Ambassador Program to support Council’s programs and initiatives that focus on increasing connections with local CALD community groups. Row four, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: Libraries, Social Inclusion, Arts, Culture and Events, CYFS Row five, column one: » Build intercultural understanding between different ethnic, religious and cultural groups. Row five, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partner: Libraries, Arts, Culture and Events. Row six, column one: » Partner with cultural community organisations to improve ways to engage with international students through existing networks, programs and activities. Row six, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: CYFS, Libraries, Arts, Culture and Events, MGA, community organisations, Monash University, Holmesglen TAFE Page 47 INCLUSIVE FOR ALL 25. PRIORITY: ABORIGINAL AND TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER RECONCILIATION Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » A coordinated and integrated approach to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander reconciliation and self-determination within Monash » Monash Council will work together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to advance reconciliation and cultural understanding in our workplace and across Monash. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Endorsement of a Monash Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) » Participation in Aboriginal Cultural Awareness training for all Council staff. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Council to develop and endorse a Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to outline a whole-of-Council approach to understanding, engaging with and advocating for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Row one, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: All of Council, Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Council and Aboriginal Land Councils Row two, column one: » Provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Awareness training for all staff. Row two, column two: Lead: People and Safety Partner: Community Strengthening Image: A large group of people in brightly coloured active wear are posing for the camera in a gym. Some are dressed up in nineteen eighties-style bright active wear and wigs. The mood is happy and excited. Everyone is smiling broadly and holding up their hands, some with the peace symbol and some open handed. Page 48 and 49 Image: A photograph on a double page spread depicts two rows of young people smiling and posing for the camera. The mood is happy. Six young women are in the foreground, with their arms around each other’s shoulders while four young men are behind them in the same pose. Page 50 SAFE COMMUNITIES 26. PRIORITY: PREVENTING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND CHILDREN Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Increased community understanding of what constitutes violence against women and family violence » Increased community understanding of how to challenge attitudes and behaviours that enable violence against women and family violence » Increased capacity across Monash to prevent and support victim survivors of violence against women and family violence. Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » A greater undersanding of what Consitutes family violences as per the Monash Municipal public health and wellbeing survey. » Monitor trends of incidences of Family Violence Victoria Police Family Violence data portal. » Monitor trends through MCH, Family Services data. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Build community understanding around attitudes and behaviours that enable violence against women and family violence, and the services that are available to them. Row one, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partner: CYFS Row two, column one: » Develop new and strengthen existing partnerships across the City of Monash to facilitate sustainable change to prevent violence against women and family violence. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: CYFS, Monash University, Together for Equality and Respect partnership (TFER) Row three, column one: » Provide targeted and meaningful training to Council Departments, Monash service providers and community groups to assist them in relation to preventing family violence and responding to disclosures. Row three, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening, CYFS, Community Amenity Row four, column one: » Enable and empower people who are experiencing family violence to transition to a safe environment Row four, column two: Lead: CYFS Row five, column one: » Collaborate with Women’s Health East to identify shared priorities within a Strategy for Equality: Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health In Melbourne’s East 2020-2025 and Together for Equality and Respect. Row five, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partner: TFER, Women’s Health East Page 51 SAFE COMMUNITIES 27. PRIORITY: COMMUNITY SAFETY Outcomes we want to achieve in 4 years » Increase perceptions of safety in Monash » Create safe and inclusive spaces for women and gender-diverse people Indicators to measure our 4-year progress » Increase in perceptions of safety via the annuall Community Satisfaction Survey » Monitor trends from Crime Statistics Victoria » Increased perceptions of safety ivia the Monash Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan survey. » Continued implementation of Child Safety Standards throughout Council. » Maintain United Nationas accrediatiaon as as Child-Friendly City. Column one of the table heading "WHAT WE WILL DO" Column two of the table heading "LEAD AND PARTNERS" Row one, column one: » Promote Monash as a safe, inclusive and accessible community. Row one, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: All of Council Row two, column one: » Lead programs and initiatives that improve perception and actual safety of Monash residents to increase community participation and connection. Row two, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening, City Design Row three, column one: » Apply a gender lens to our public spaces to increase perceptions of safety for women and gender-diverse people. Row three, column two: Lead: Community Strengthening Partners: Active Monash, Monash University, Libraries Row four, column one: » Apply an age-friendly and dementia lens to our public spaces to increase perceptions of safety for our ageing community. Row four, column two: Lead: Social Inclusion Partners: Community Strengthening, Active Monash, Monash University, Libraries Row five, column one: » Collaborate with relevant internal and external stakeholders to advocate for and create safe physical, urban and natural environments through adherence to Safer Design principles including Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and well-lit spaces Row five, column two: Lead: City Design Partners: Capital works, Sustainability Engineering, Community Strengthening Page 52 City of Monash Monash Civic Centre, 293 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley, 3150 8.30am to 5.15pm, Monday to Friday Oakleigh Service Centre 3 Atherton Road, Oakleigh, 3166 8.30am to 5.15pm, Monday to Friday 9518 3555 | | National Relay Service (for people with hearing or speech impairments) 1800 555 660 Language assist numbers are displayed next to languages written in type/words in languages other than English. End of document.