Cambro Road Reserve playspace re-opens

We're delighted to re-open Cambro Road Reserve playspace for local families in Clayton.

This pocket-classification playspace includes classic play equipment such as slides, double swings, monkey bars and play unit. It also includes accessible features such as the all-abilities carousel, an accessible swing attachment and accessible pathway, with landscaping that will deliver increased shade and a nature play area in the future.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on this project. Your ideas and insights helped to make this playspace more reflective of the needs of local children and their families.

We hope you enjoy this valuable new space.



In 2022, Council sought ideas and feedback from the local community for a new playspace at Cambro Road Reserve, Clayton.

We incorporated some of the community’s ideas into an exciting draft concept plan and sought feedback for it in 2023.

Construction ran from May to June 2024.

Final concept plan