
New Arts and Culture Strategy to reignite creativity and culture

9 November 2022

Monash Council has adopted its Monash Arts and Culture Strategy 2025, a new whole of City vision to reignite resilient and thriving creative industries.

Prior to COVID-19, Victoria’s cultural and creative sector contributed $31 billion, or 8 per cent, to the Victorian economy, and in 2017 cultural tourism brought $2 billion to the state.

This strategy will look to rebuild capacity across creative and cultural industries and facilitate growth and recovery opportunities for creative practitioners and businesses.

Creative practitioners and artists will be supported through targeted funding, partnership, and programming opportunities such as creatives-in-residence programs and exhibitions, with career development opportunities for emerging artists and underdeveloped groups.

All initiatives driving strong creative and cultural industries are to support economic growth and development, the visitor economy, and a growing workforce that contribute to Monash’s reputation as a centre for innovation.