Project update

In November 2021, and as a follow-up in March 2022, we requested feedback from Windsor Avenue residents on the proposal to install eleven (11) of these road humps. Correspondence was also sent to owners who do not reside at their property in Windsor Avenue.

A total of 65 responses were received from the 90 properties involved. Of these, 52% agreed, 2% were neutral and 46% disagreed with many expressing concerns about the number of humps proposed.

Noticeably though, there was a high focus of community support for the road humps in the section of Windsor Avenue between Clive Street and Alvie Road, the location where the higher traffic speeds have been recorded.

Final outcome

In light of this overall feedback, we will not be proceeding with the full proposal as presented.

However, to address the area of higher concern, we are planning to proceed with the installation of the four (4) road humps between Clive Street and just east of Alvie Road as identified in the proposal. This approach will allow for possible extension of the treatment type further along Windsor Avenue if required.

Following the installation, we will monitor and assess the impacts of the changes to other parts of Windsor Avenue and consult the community further if issues are identified or any further changes are to be considered.

Recent surveys have been undertaken in nearby Irving Street, Adelaide Street and Winbourne Road and these will also be resurveyed as part of the monitoring program once the four road humps in Windsor Avenue are in place.

Tell us if road humps should be installed in your street

Residents of Windsor Avenue, Mount Waverley have raised concerns about the way traffic is using the street. Feedback from all residents of the street will be considered when determining whether Council will proceed with any traffic management treatment.

Road humps installation proposal

Windsor Avenue is under consideration for traffic management treatment. Your feedback will help Council determine whether to proceed with the proposed treatment.

The modified flat topped road hump

We propose to use 'full width' road humps to control the speed of vehicles and provide a smoother drive while reducing noise. Kerbside parking is not affected.

Road humps that are lower in height and installed at regular spacing are the preferred design to encourage motorists to adopt a more uniform speed along the street, instead of repeated acceleration and braking, which often occurs when the humps are higher and further apart.

Resident poll

All households in Windsor Avenue are encouraged to participate in the poll.

Resident participation and ownership of these proposed changes are important for this project to proceed. We require feedback on the concept, as well as overall support from residents along Windsor Avenue, before we can move into a design phase.

To participate, you will need the resident code provided in the letter we sent to you. If you don't have it, please contact us.