
The Monash Youth Survey provides opportunity for young people with connections to the City of Monash to have an active voice in their community and influence the decisions and plans for Monash Council.

We have recruited a group of young people who have helped develop the survey and will also help with collating and analysing the data we collect.

Monash Youth Services (MYS) engages, supports, informs and connects young people and community members through inclusive and accessible practice that enables people to be healthy and active members of the Monash Community.

The 2023 youth survey data will analysed by MYS and the working group to establish the current needs of young people in Monash.

The survey closed 25 August 2023.


Monash's young people have designed and implemented a survey for their peers that is meaningful and engaging.

The survey results will:

  • help us understand the topics of concern for young people connected to the City of Monash
  • identify young people’s connections to their local community

The results will enable young people to contribute to the improvement of youth services in the City of Monash.


The results of this survey guide the themes and actions that Monash Council will take in response to the needs of young people in the community.

If you need help with the survey, please speak to a trusted adult or call Monash Youth Services on 9518 3900. If you find any of the content overwhelming, support is available - please call Lifeline on 13 11 14.

There will be a prize draw for survey participants. Click on the link at the end of the survey to enter.

The survey closed 25 August 2023.

Take the survey

You will be taken to a new page to complete the survey. At the end you will be able to enter the prize draw.